Astral Projections – Tallin Varre, Rebel Shadow (FFG Star Wars)

© 2011 Linda Whitson

Human Sentinel/Shadow

Morality: 50
Strengths: Enthusiasm & Bravery—Like most young adult beings, Tallin is eager to fight for what he sees as Right, and generally get in on the action…
Weakness: Defiance…but the other side of this is that he not only defies fear, but mistakes defiance for bravery, causing problems with others. 
Motivation: Connections: Family—Tallin’s family does business with assorted scum, villainy, and Rebels.
Obligation: Bounty—The Empire’s standing bounty for known/possible Force-users applies to Tallin.

Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Presence 2
Willpower 3

Deception 1, Discipline 1, Knowledge: Underworld 0 (-1 Setback), Perception 1, Ranged (light) 1, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 2 (1 Boost), Streetwise 0 (-1 Setback), Vigilance 1

Sleight of Mind, Street Smarts, Indistinguishable

Force Rating: 1
Force Powers
Basic, Range 1 , Control–Hurl
Basic, Control–Upgrade Difficulty of attack targeting the Force user

Soak:  3     Defense (m/r): 0/0     Strain: 13     Wound Threshold: 12

Equipment:  Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 5, Critical 3, Medium Range, Accurate 1, Stun Setting), Extra Reload, A/KT Tracker Utility Vest, Heavy Clothing (Soak 1), Commlink (handheld), Glow Rod, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x3, 415 credits.

(Optional: Training Lightsaber [Lightsaber, Damage 6, Critical –, Engaged, Stun Damage], which will leave him 15 credits)

© 2011 Linda Whitson

Backstory:  Tallin’s family owns a fueling station on a Hydian Way hyperspace route spur, purchased originally by his maternal great-grandfather and inherited by his parents and uncle. Times were good, just after the Clone Wars, in that “honeymoon” period when much of the war-weary citizenry wanted to believe that Palpatine’s new Empire was the galaxy’s salvation from both war and Republic corruption.

But none of that lasted. By the time Tallin was 8 or so, “their” spur wasn’t used as much. His family didn’t care for it–considering themselves “law abiding”–but most of the stops were made by crews they suspected were engaged in smuggling, plus the odd young noble or corporate scion “slumming it.” Some of these smugglers no doubt dealt with Rebels, if they weren’t actually Alliance agents.

By the time Tallin was in his mid teens, he was bored with the boring family business and equally boring star system where the fueling station was located. He had no aptitude for business. His parents hoped he might show some interest in engineering, but nope. However, one of those agents started stopping in the system about this time, and Tallin developed a crush on the shy engineer of the “independently operated ship.” Enough of a crush that he approached the Captain about taking him on. Maybe the captain, or her crew, sensed or saw something about Tallin because she agreed, pending his parents’ blessing.

The Varres were dismayed and refused. Until they heard Imperial military recruiters had set up shop in the capital of the main planet in their backwater system. Ms. Varre and Tallin’s aunt felt that the smuggler would be the lesser of two evils, fearing the image of their “littlest boy” caught in a lightfight against “terrorists” with only flimsy white armor between him and the bolts. And the women prevailed, although they, like their men, loudly predicted Tallin would regret his decision and be begging them to pay his passage home within the month.

Ironic that Tallin is now part of the Rebellion…

Design Notes: Tallin is one of several pregen PCs I created for a con game and was partly inspired by the featured artwork. For quite some time I have wanted to do a Rebel Force-user (a “neo-Jedi,” as I call them in my games) that isn’t out of the “Rebel With Lightsaber” mold. Hence, Tallin only has Move and Sense, with only 3 upgrades between the two. I like that, having only Force Rating 1, if Tallin wants to use the Force in combat, he has the choice of obvious (Move) or subtle (using the Force to make himself harder to hit). I also opted to give him the Bounty Obligation instead of the usual AoR Duty, since the Empire is intent on capturing Force-users. Feel free to add a Duty of your choosing in addition to, or in place of the Bounty. Now, Tallin has enough credits to provide him with a training lightsaber, if player and GM agree.

Tallin’s backstory and Motivation were written with AoR in mind. With some tweaks to the type of crew he joined, he can fit into a primarily F&D or EotE campaign.

Note that Tallin is a 135 XP character. Several gamers I know have been doing builds with additional XP, but nowhere near the +150 Knight Level from F&D, and I had been experimenting with that level lately.  It seems like it would be more fun than a starting PC for both experienced players–who could easily handle a more powerful PC–as well as new players–who could have a few cool abilities, but not be overwhelmed with choices. So the con pregens, including Tallin, were made with an extra 25 XP, which allows a few extras (in Tallin’s case, Force power upgrades), and 1500 credits.

Thanks to Jon “Donovan Morningfire” Stevens for feedback and suggestions, such as the additional credit idea.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at