Astral Projections – Tarasin Species for FFG Star Wars


Physiology: The Tarasin are a sentient bipedal reptilian species, related distantly to the kilassin, giant carnivorous and herbivorous reptiles. They are 1.6-1.7m tall, covered with translucent scales, and sport forearm quills (sa’tosin) as well as a kampo, a scaley neck fan that spreads out under strong emotion. The skin under the scales changes color with emotions as well, and may also be controlled consciously. The sa’tosin are said to be the means by which Tarasin sense the Force. The skin and kampo can make it harder for Tarasin to deceive others and conversely make it easier for others to deceive or lie to them.

Society: The Tarasin are a primitive mainly hunter/gatherer society that live in tribes of a dozen (commonly) to several hundred (very rarely), called irstats. While their own tech is far below space-faring, they are very quick to learn about and utilize the conveniences of the larger galaxy, from prefab building materials to blasters.
Tarasin society has strongly divided male and female roles, although otherwise it isn’t matriarchal or patriarchal as off-world societies use the terms. Males hunt, gather, and scout, while females handle tasks in the irstat, including leadership. The irstat’s eldest Tarasin female, called by the honorific “Mother,” is a wisewoman, advisor, and example. The leader is the second eldest female.

While they have been generally welcoming to offworlders since Artom’s arrival, the Tarasin draw the line at exploiting or damaging Cularin and its resources. They can–and have–reacted violently to this in the past, and now there are treaties to control trade so that the ecology isn’t harmed.

Another thing that all Tarasin feel strongly about is off-world travel. Tarasin, for the most part, will only make in-system trips, if they are willing to leave the planet Cularin at all. Some, usually only Jedi, will make out-system trips of a few days to a few months.

Homeworld: Cularin, the rainforested main planet of the Cularin System, discovered by Reidi Artom circa 231 BBY. In addition to the Tarasin irstats, there are several offworld settlements both land-based and skyhook. The commonest legitimate export is wood.

Languages: The Tarasin speak their own language, Tarasinese, and (after Artom’s landfall) Basic. Tarasin also have a silent language, based on their color-changing skin. While non-Tarasin have learned to interpret it, they cannot, of course, “speak” it.

Perception of the Force: The Tarasin Force tradition is nature focused, with an emphasis on the symbiotic and circular interrelationships between Cularin and living things on the planet, including the Tarasin. Some tenets are similar to the Jedi’s Living Force and Luminous Beings. All Tarasin are Force-sensitive to some degree, although only a minority are strong enough to wield it. Most Tarasin have just enough to sense their connection to Cularin via the sa’tosin (but are still Force Rating 0 mechanically). This is the reason Tarasin are both protective of the planet and reluctant to leave the system for long.

Older Force-sensitive Tarasin are more likely to follow the Tarasin Force traditions. After the Jedi Academy is built (circa 177 BBY), a number of younger Tarasin opt to train there. Most Tarasin elders do not object to this.

The Tarasin are seen as “primitives” by Imperials, and even the Inquisitorius doesn’t realize the Almas Academy had many Tarasin, so a number of these were able to survive and return to their irstats. Jedi traditions may be kept alive here, not just buried in the ruins of Almas Academy.


Brawn 1
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 100XP

Special Abilities
Attuned to Nature: Tarasin gain 1 free rank in Survival or Stealth, which cannot be raised above 2 at character creation.
Rainforesters: When making skill checks, Tarasin may remove 1 Setback imposed due to hot and/or humid environmental conditions.
Color Communication: Tarasin within Engaged and Close ranges who can see each other may communicate silently. Non-Tarasin who are familiar with the species may be able to understand but never “speak” it, with GM permission.

Design & Play Notes: The image above, from Unlimited Power, reminded me of this D20 SWRPG species, originally created for the RPGA Living Force Campaign. While native to the Legends planet of Cularin, they are usable on other worlds with rainforest or tropical climates. Since they so easily pick up modern conveniences and tools, there is no need for a Primitive species ability.
The OCR stats (from the Living Force Campaign Guide) do have species mechanics to represent the difficulty of Tarasin lying or detecting lies/deceit. However, I think that for the more narrative FFGSW system, it is better for the GM to add Boost or Setback to social check dice pools on a case-by-case basis.

Whether Tarasin NPCs follow Tarasin or Jedi Force traditions is partly dependent on era of play. Tarasin in eras where there is not a Jedi presence in their system (or at least older Tarasin trained by Jedi, as is possible in Rebellion and later years) will follow their old Force Traditions. From the few online sources I can still find (see note below), these traditions may have some similarities to those of Dathomirian Nightsisters.

Note: The Living Force Campaign Guide is still easy to find online, including Amazon. But, unfortunately, it is much harder to find other Living Force materials, compared to other OCR/RCR books and resources. This is due to RPGA policies, which required GMs and players to delete/destroy their copies of Living Force scenarios, and WotC’s decision to remove all SWRPG forums and materials from their website a couple years after they declined to renew the license.

Art Credits: Featured image is © 2018 and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. Line art is © 2001 Lucasfilm Ltd.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at