Game: Star Wars: FFG
Capt. Harrken “Hark” Mirz [Rival]
Mirialan Freighter Captain
Brawn 3
Agility 2
Intellect 2
Cunning 1
Presence 3
Willpower 2
Brawl 2
Cool 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim 2
Knowledge: Underworld 1
Piloting (space) 3
Negotiation 3
Ranged (light) 2
Streetwise 2
Convincing Demeanor (Remove 1 Boost from Deception and Skulduggery checks)
Soak: 4 Defense: 0/0
Wound Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0
Keev Mirz [Rival]
Mirialan First Mate
Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Presence 2
Willpower 2
- Astrogation 2
- Gunnery 2
- Knowledge: Outer Rim 2
- Knowledge: Underworld 1
- Perception 3
- Piloting (space) 2
- Ranged (light) 2
- Streetwise 2
Let’s Ride (May enter a vehicle, cockpit or weapons station as an incidental, once per round)
Soak: 3 Defense: 0/0
Wound Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: (for both)
- YT2000 Nala’di (mods, if any, are GM’s choice)
- Heavy blaster pistols (Ranged [light], Damage 7, Critical 3, Range: medium, Stun setting)
- Heavy clothing (Soak 1)
Backstory: Hark and Keev Mirz and their much younger sister Naysaa grew up on Corellia, where their parents worked for Nebula Specialties, a small shipping firm. After they were killed in a raid by pirates, their Corellian employers, Bry & Dara Nebula, took care of the youngsters. The Nebulas saw to their education & when the boys were grown they were hired into the family business as ship captains/pilots.
A few years ago most of the business assets were seized for “back taxes and fines” after the Nebulas angered some influential businessbeings and corrupt officials by refusing to smuggle particularly abhorrent goods–like slaves and the more dangerous spices. “We have standards–and consciences.” Only 1 small ship escaped this fate–the Nebulas had enough warning to sign it over to Harrken and Keev Mirz & insist they find a new home port and a replacement transponder.
The young men thus became the owners and crew of the renamed YT2000 Nala’di (Mirialan for “solar eclipse”) and went into business ferrying passengers and small cargo, staying as much as possible under the sensors of both the Corellian government and the Imps. They sent much of their income back to Corellia to help support the forcibly “retired” Nebulas and Naysaa, including eventually paying most of the tuition for her medtech training.
They have since become fairly prosperous–for independents–and have a good reputation. Hark and Keev are selective about what jobs they take–and who they take them from. They will engage in some smuggling as well as legit contracts and fares, but, like the Nebulas who taught them the business, they avoid very illicit and immoral jobs.
The Mirz brothers have only one real worry. They have lost touch with Naysaa and fear the worst. Shortly after graduating, she took a job as a nurse at a small out-of-the-way colony, recommended by Gareth Wen-Dell, who sometimes took passage on Nala’di. The last they heard from her, a year or so ago, she was happy and was involved with a young human pilot named Viado, with whom she sometimes traveled. No word from her since. Discreet inquiries netted rumors of all sorts: plague quarantine, Imperial blockade, or maybe the colonists were all arrested or relocated. Since then, the Mirz brothers have been trying to find out what happened to the colony and their sister but have had no luck. They have no doubt that whatever happened, it was on the Empire’s orders.
Description: The brothers are identical twins, with black hair, relatively dark green skin and orange eyes, although they can be told apart by those who know them. Hark is the slightly taller and heavier (and a little stronger) man with much shorter hair than ponytailed Keev. Their tattoos are a bit different too. Both have dots in diamond formations on cheeks and foreheads. Keev, however, doesn’t have any on his hands or chin, which Hark does.
Design and Play Notes: Hark and Keev began as part of the backstory for my first (beta) Force & Destiny PC, the Guardian/Protector Naysaa Mirz. The backstory here is from their point of view–and they have no idea that their sister, indeed everyone on this tiny colony–which they know little about and haven’t been to–is Force-sensitive. I used the Mirialan ability scores from Force & Destiny as a starting point and played with them a little to get unique sets, as I might do with a PC. Even though, of course, I don’t have to.
The Mirz brothers are usually friendly with potential clients and fares. When negotiating, Hark, as Captain, takes the lead. Keev pretends to be too pre-occupied to add much to these preliminary talks. Actually, he is watching and listening carefully and will pass on his observations to Hark before they decide if they want the job.
The Mirz brothers are intended as contacts and sources of information or goods for your PCs, in all three core settings. They might provide transport for the party–or ask them to help find Naysaa, either hiring the party or as the price for joining up with, say, the Alliance (long- or short-term), depending on the type of campaign and party.
Credit: Empty Bacta Tank, of the d20 Radio community and my Friday Night Skype group, for minor technical editing.