Species: Vulcan Rank: Lieutenant
Gender: Female Department: Medical
Age: 28 years Assignment: Chief Medical Officer
Attributes Value
Control 11
Daring 8
Fitness 9
Insight 9
Presence 8
Reason 11
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 1
Engineering 1
Security 3
Science 4
Medicine 5
Stress: 11 Determination: 1
A Theory For Every Situation
All Life Has Value
Calm Logic Will Ultimately Prevail
Rafael is a Trusted Friend and Confidante
Botany, Composure, Counseling, Field Medic, Virology, Xenobiology
Talents (page references are for the Core Book PDF)
Cautious (Medicine) – see page 136
Quick Study – see page 138
Mind-Meld – see page 110
Nerve Pinch – see page 110
Nerve Pinch (Melee), 6CD, Intense, Nonlethal
Type 1 Phaser (Ranged), Damage 4CD, Charge, Hidden 1
Unarmed Strike (Melee), Damage 3CD, Knockdown, Nonlethal
Communicator, medical tricorder, medkit, phaser (type-1), Starfleet uniform
Backstory: T’leya grew up on the archaeological dig her parents were working on. This world, whose sentients had died out long ago, was very unlike Vulcan–temperate to tropic zones were much wetter and mostly much cooler than their homeworld. After comparing the medical curricula thoroughly to each other and her own interests, T’Leya opted for Starfeet Academy. Her decision was heavily influenced by a desire for a little adventure, like she recalled from childhood on the dig site–but of course, no properly brought-up Vulcan would admit to such a fancy, and especially not to letting anything other than logic affect such an important decision.
In the required basic classes in the other Academy tracks, T’Leya met Rafael Tashiro. She classed him as “typical Human–too much emotion, not enough thought.” However, in martial arts, she saw another side of Rafe, and they became good friends. More than just friends, in fact. But Rafe graduated before T’Leya, since her MD was a longer track. She was surprised by Rafe’s appearance at her graduation–an impulsive leave request and welcomed gesture by her close friend.
Sometime after, T’Leya was wedded to her childhood betrothed, Lt. Torrok, an engineer on the primarily Vulcan-crewed vessel they served aboard, U.S.S. Aln’ra. Torrok’s clan had a long history of space exploration, distant ancestors were on the T’Plana-Hath during its fateful journey through the Sol system. The couple got on well, but the union was cut short after only 3 years. Aln’ra was sent to Nigellius V to fight a pandemic, assisting a hospital ship’s crew. T’Leya was able to isolate the viruses responsible, enabling the Mercy crew to get a head start on developing a treatment. Meanwhile, Torrok and other non-biomedical Aln’ra crew were covering essential services on Nigellius V, since so many of the locals were ill or still so weak. Torrok was one of several Starfleet personnel to contract the illness and died from complications.
After the funeral rites and a leave of absence, T’Leya returned to Starfleet. She was reassigned to U.S.S. Hadfield, the ship Rafe commands. The pair have resumed their old friendship, although it has changed, mostly because of T’Leya’s experiences as mate and widow, but also Rafe’s new position. There are still “benefits” to the unlikely friendship, but more often when they visit each other’s cabins now, it is for companionship, a new perspective, and a cup of cocoa–or something a little stronger.
T’Leya, unlike many Vulcans, doesn’t take a superior or pitying attitude towards Humans and other emotional species. The loss of Torrok, and the quiet compassion of her Nigellian and non-Vulcan Starfleet colleagues finished what her early friendship with Rafe started–giving her a slightly different perspective and insight as to how this fits with the Vulcan IDIC philosophy. T’Leya also continues her childhood fascination with plants, decorating her cabin with specimens of Old Earth Japan’s bonsai and similar “living plant sculptures” from other worlds. Pride of place is a Snow Rose bonsai from Torrok.
T’Leya, like most Vulcans has dark hair but unusually light skin and eyes, a clan trait. Oddly, for a Vulcan of not-always-traditional views, she favors the elaborate Vulcan hairstyles and, when off-duty, traditional robes.
Lifepath Notes
Species – Vulcan; Control +1, Fitness +1, Reason +1
Environment – Isolated Colony; Reason +1, Medicine +1
Upbringing – Science and Technology (accepted); Control +2, Reason +1, Science +1
Academy – Sciences Track; Control +1, Insight +1, Presence +1, Medicine +2, Science +1, Security +1
Career – Experienced Officer
Career Event #1 – Encounter with a Truly Alien Being; Reason +1, Science +1
Career Event #2 – Death of a Friend (Torrok, mate); Insight +1, Medicine +1
Finishing Touches – Daring +1, Fitness +1, Medicine +1, Security +1, Command +1
Credits: Jon Stevens did the original set of stats in response to my comment that I might like to play a Vulcan medical officer. Thanks so much, Jon! I made no changes to the stats, other than those required to switch out the Mentored Career Event for Death of a Friend, which I felt fit the backstory, which didn’t exist until after he worked up the stats, and I went through them and the character creation chapter side by side. Jon made this easy by including the steps and choices on the character sheet. This was such a great idea, I included those notes just above. Between the notes and Jon’s blog article taking you step by step through creation of 2 PCs, you should have all the guidance you need.
Images © 2017 Linda Whitson