In previous articles, we have examined and compared a variety of weapons available in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG. One of the attributes considered when assessing a weapon’s value was the number of hard points on a weapon. Hard points allow for modifications to be attached to weapons. This article takes a look at the attachments available for ranged weapons, starting with those that are most useful and ending with the least appealing.
Superior (Cost: 5,000, Rarity: 6, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 191) – Let’s start with the most powerful (and most expensive) option. Making a weapon Superior increases the weapon’s base damage by one and adds an automatic Advantage to all checks. It does not have any drawbacks. For those looking to maximize their weapon potential, this should be the first attachment they purchase, if they can afford it.
Bantha’s Eye Laser Sight (Cost: 500, Rarity: 5, Hard Points Required: 1, Dangerous Covenants p. 52) – A relatively cheap and common attachment, the laser sight grants an automatic Advantage on successful attacks. There are no drawbacks to using this attachment, and should be considered for anybody that has a ranged weapon with an available hard point.
Blaster Actuating Module (Cost: 500, Rarity: 4, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 188) – At first glance, the Setback die that is added to all attacks once the BAM is installed seems like a disadvantage that might not be worth the extra 1 damage the default attachment provides. However, the further modifications of the attachment bring out its power. With a total of four additional modifications – two +1 Pierce and two +1 Damage – the final product of +3 Damage and +2 Pierce certainly makes that Setback die look a lot less discouraging. Of course, getting all those modifications installed successfully will take some skilled or lucky Mechanics checks.
Paired Weapons (Cost: 300, Rarity: 3, Hard Points Required: 1, Fly Casual p. 51) – This option is perfect for characters who dual wield weapons. The attachment will modify a weapon so that it is better balanced and synched with another weapon, making it easier for the user to fire both at the same time. Once installed, this attachment reduces the cost of successfully hitting with the second weapon by one Advantage. That lower cost to trigger the second weapon could be the difference in a tough fight.
Set Trigger (Cost: 450, Rarity: 4, Hard Points Required: 1, Fly Casual p. 51) – For characters always looking to shoot first and ask questions later, modifying their weapon with this hair trigger-like attachment provides an interesting effect. When firing a weapon with a Set Trigger, the first roll automatically rolls one Success and one Threat. The effect is only applied to the first attack of each encounter, which lowers its effectiveness some. While the Success is nice and increases the chance of a successful hit and increased damage, the Threat is likely to make critical hits more difficult or cause other negative results. An optional modification provides for an additional Success, making this more effective.
Telescopic Optical Sight (Cost: 250, Rarity: 1, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 192) – Designed primarily for snipers and other long range combatants, the Telescopic Optical Sight will reduce all Long and Extreme range combat checks by one. While it is not of much help at Medium range or closer, that reduced difficulty is a nice benefit and can definitely be the difference between hitting and missing a target.
Multi-Optic Sight (Cost: 2,000, Rarity: 3, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 191) – A set of goggles embedded with technological advances are attached to the weapon with this modification. The goggles allow for improved vision in a variety of difficult environments. For checks while using the sight, the player may remove two Setback dice caused by darkness, smoke, or other environmental conditions that could hinder normal sight. Optional modifications to this attachment allow for adding two ranks of Perception, which makes it not just useful in unfavorable environments, but also makes it a good tool for scouting and surveillance missions.
Night Vision Scope (Cost: 700, Rarity: 5, Hard Points Required: 1, F&D CRB) – Similar to the Multi-Optic Sight, the Night Vision Scope provides the character with technology that allows for better sight during dark conditions. It removes up to two Setback dice caused by darkness. It does not offer any optional modifications. Basically, it’s a cheaper, less readily available, and less effective version of the Multi-Optic Sight. Any characters interested in this are probably better served saving up the credits for the better version.
Filed Front Sight (Cost: 25, Rarity: 1, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 190) – Filing down the front sight of a blaster pistol makes it easier to pull out of its holster. As such, this particular modification provides the Quick Draw talent as an innate ability when using the weapon. However, without the sight on it, hitting anything beyond short range becomes more difficult. An additional drawback is any attacks beyond short range have their difficulty increased by one. An optional modification allows a decreased difficulty to checks to hide the weapon. This is another situational modification that will likely only apply to very specific types of characters, most notably characters who often fight in tight spaces who need to quickly draw their weapon.
Shortened Barrel (Cost: 250, Rarity: 4, Hard Points Required: 1, EotE CRB p. 191) – Very similar to the Filed Front Sight, a Shortened Barrel makes a weapon easier to conceal, but decreases its effectiveness. The Shortened Barrel makes the weapon easier to hide, reducing the difficulty of checks to hide this weapon. The drawback is that it will reduce the max range of the weapon, so a long range weapon will be reduced to medium, and a medium range weapon will be reduced to short. A weapon that is already short range has a Setback die added to any attacks. An optional modification allows the weapon to be given the innate Quick Draw talent.
Blaster Suppressor (Cost: 750, Rarity: 5, Hard Points Required: 1, Lords of Nal Hutta p. 106) – The blaster suppressor does exactly what it sounds like – It suppresses the noise of a blaster shot. Having this applied to a weapon will add two Setback dice to any Perception or Vigilance checks trying to locate the shooter. While this attachment could be useful to assassins and snipers, it doesn’t provide a whole lot of benefit in typical combat situations.
Gene Lock (Cost: 500, Rarity: 7, Hard Points Required: 1, Dangerous Covenants p. 51) – For characters who grow attached to a favorite weapon, the gene lock attachment is an interesting option. Essentially this modification links to weapon to its owner via their DNA, and will only operate in that individual’s hands. When anybody else tries to use the weapon, they will find it locked. For those who would rather the weapon be destroyed than fall into enemy hands, or those who might want to plan an interesting trap with a rigged weapon, an optional modification can install a self destruct mechanism. If an unauthorized person attempts to fire the gun, it blows up, destroying the weapon and causing a critical injury.
In the end, a character’s choice of attachments will come down to their role within the group and their combat style. There are attractive options available to all types of characters. While the attachments themselves are helpful, the optional modifications often make them even more effective. Finding a solid weapon and customizing it to fit a character’s needs is a good way to invest credits, improve a character’s abilities, and achieve advancement in the Star Wars RPG.
Filed Front Sight is a good modification for holdout blasters, since it makes them easier to draw and (with the modification) even harder to find, and they don’t really suffer from the drawback since they don’t generally work beyond short range anyway.