Black Market Supplemental – Crisis On Christmas

Spoilers! (As you might expect in an article about a module.)

Over the past year, my gaming group has introduced me to two or three RPG systems that I have come to love, including Mutants & Masterminds. They have also helped me improve my GMing (and increase my confidence in it) to the point where I am willing to try running something besides FFG Star Wars. So I decided to see if I could find a short M&M one-shot module. Via Green Ronin’s forums, I discovered a holiday-themed freebie, by Steven Kenson himself, “Crisis On Christmas.” So, I am preparing to run it as a combined Christmas and thank you gift for them.

As the Introduction says, this is a “lighthearted” adventure, only five pages long. One Green Ronin forum user described it aptly as an “eggnog and sugar cookie” game. It is a fond homage to old animated holiday specials, in fact, with a twist on the”We Gotta Save Christmas!” trope, and is suitable as a one-shot or a single scenario in an ongoing campaign. I told my group it wasn’t serious and hinted at the content, but they were game, so I have been prepping it to run during the season.

I am giving myself a lot of extra prep time, since I an fairly new to the system and want to make sure I understand how the NPCs’ powers work mechanically. A couple good read-throughs, working out any optional encounters you use (see below) and possibly writing up some pre-gen PCs should be all an experienced M&M GM needs to do. Besides the module, only the 3e core book is required. The module suggests having the (2e) Freedom City sourcebook as well, but I don’t see the need, even if you start the PCs there, rather than another city as I am.

The module starts on December 24 in Freedom City, but I am moving it to Emerald City, since it is the only M&M setting I am familiar with. One of my players suggested using Sentinels characters for several reasons, so this will work well for us. Really, any city could be used, with a few location names changed at most, since most of the module takes place in a wintry dream realm. There are only two minor and one final “boss” encounter in the adventure and there is enough there for a single session. However, if you want to make it more elaborate, there is a list of  optional encounters–a rescue, gaining allies, finding helpful items and so on–most of them shout-outs to those vintage specials. You can pick just one or two, or use all of them as linked quests to prepare the group for that last encounter.

I have decided to add just one of the optional ones, seeking the aid of a winter-themed mage. The option reminded me of the Winter Warlock, a beloved (at least by me!) animated character. I will be using a pair of NPCs I created, which are inspired by a PC and NPC from our usual Emerald City Knights campaign–although they are altered quite a bit.

Sometime in the next few weeks, I will take my players on this Christmas escapade. I only hope that they decide my gift is a holiday treat–and not a stocking full of coal!


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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at