Gial Ackbar started his military career as the captain of the Mon Calamari Guard during the Clone Wars where he served both King Yos Kalina and Prince Lee-Char. After the formation of the Empire, Ackbar and many of his people were enslaved by the Imperials. Ackbar himself served as a personal servant and translator to Grand Moff Tarkin, where he learned much about Imperial doctrine and secret projects such as the Death Star. He was later rescued by Alliance forces above Eriadu, and he eventually joined the Rebel Alliance along with both the rest of his people and the Quarren.
His skills were noticed quickly by Mon Mothma, who named him Supreme Commander of the Rebel Fleet and head of all Rebellion military operations, and he personally commanded the Alliance fleet in several engagements, including the decisive Battle of Endor.
Ackbar continued to serve after the Empire’s defeat and the Rebellion’s reorganization into the New Republic as Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force and given a seat on the Inner Council. A military man through and through, he had very little time for a personal life, never marrying or having children. And while he hated politics, he was still able to cultivate a very close relationship with Leia Organa Solo through his life. Ackbar lived long enough to retire, and shortly before he death from old age helped to plan the Battle of Ebaq 9, which saw the beginning of the end of the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. His legacy continued well into the future and his death was a great loss to both the Mon Calamari and the newly named Galactic Alliance.
Ackbar was best known for using his capital ships in close range assaults such as the Ackbar Slash and the Thrawn Pincer to win the day. As such, he is at home aboard a flagship, but can serve as a fantastic adviser to characters of sufficient Contribution Rank.

Gial Ackbar [Nemesis]
Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 4
Cunning 3
Willpower 4
Presence 5
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 16
Soak Value: 3
Melee/Ranged Defense: 0|0
Skills: Astrogation 1, Charm 2, Discipline 4, Education 2, Gunnery 2, Leadership 5, Perception 2, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Piloting (Space) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2, Warfare 3
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks targeting this character twice), Body Guard 1 (as a maneuver, may suffer one point of Strain to upgrade difficulty of combat checks against one ally the NPC is engaged with), Command 3 (add three boost dice to Leadership checks; affected allies add three boost dice to Discipline checks for 24 hours), Commanding Presence 2 (remove two setback dice from all Cool and Leadership checks), Fire Control (as a maneuver, may cause all attacks from starship or vehicle to treat target’s silhouette as one higher until the beginning of the NPCs next turn), Known Schematic (once per session, may make a Hard Education check as a maneuver; NPC is familiar with the design of a building or capital ship including the location of critical components or facilities onboard; additional successes, advantage, or triumph may be spent to gain additional details)
Abilities: Ackbar Slash (as an action, make a Hard Leadership check, adding in the handling of your starship to the dice roll; all enemies within Short Range upgrade the difficulty of combat checks against the NPC’s ship once for 3 rounds; enemy ships that generate despair on attack rolls hit an allied ship instead), Alliance Admiral (Alliance operatives add one boost die to Cool and Discipline checks while in this NPC’s presence), Amphibious (this character can breathe underwater without penalty and never suffers movement penalties for traveling through water), It’s a Trap! (may suffer up to 3 strain to add an equal number of successes or advantage to Vigilance rolls to determine initiative)
Equipment: Admirals uniform (+1 Soak Value), blaster pistol (Ranged [Light], Damage 6; Crit 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), hand-held comlink