Bonus Article – Rebellious Senators

Bail Organa, Viceroy, Senator and Prince-Consort of Alderaan, was one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and worked outside the political scene as well as within it. He was the husband of Alderaan’s Queen Breha, and together they adopted Leia and hid her true parentage to keep her safe from Palpatine. Bail also took ownership of Anakin’s droids C-3PO and R2-D2, and, after having the former memory-wiped, sometimes utilized them against the Empire.

Unlike many politicians and rulers, Organa wasn’t content to only speak fervently about his causes, finance them quietly or even launch plots behind-the-scenes. He was not afraid to do the hard, dangerous, “get your hands dirty” work as well – leading a relief force on a worn-torn planet, confronting the 501st clones at the Jedi Temple, personally retrieving his droids after an espionage mission. Bail also worked closely with Ahsoka Tano after the formation of the Empire. It is possible he also provided asylum to other fugitive Jedi and/or used them as agents.

Both Bail and Breha were killed when Tarkin ordered the Death Star to destroy Alderaan – a terrible blow not only to Princess Leia personally, but to the Alliance. The Rebels lost not only a founder and supporter, but two people who would have been invaluable in setting up a restored Republic government.

Screen Capture from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Screen Capture from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Willpower 4
Presence 4

Strain Threshold: 14
Wound Threshold: 12
Soak: 3
Melee/Ranged Defense 0/0

SKILLS: Charm 2, Cool 1, Deception 1, Leadership 3, Ranged (light) 1

TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once), Command 2 (character gains two Boost die when making Leadership [or other checks to inspire, lead or rally an audience]; inspired targets gain one Boost die to any subsequent Discipline checks they make over the next 24 hours), Confidence (character may decrease the difficulty of of any Discipline checks to avoid the effects of fear by one, to a minimum of 0)

EQUIPMENT: Diplomat’s Robes or other appropriate regalia (Desperate Allies), Light Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 5, Critical 4, Medium range, Stun Setting), Tantive IV, entourage


Mon Mothma, like Viceroy Organa, was a member of the Imperial Senate, representing her homeworld of Chandrila. She was elected at age nineteen, the youngest Senator ever, perhaps setting a precedent for Leia Organa, whom she mentored, a generation later.

During the Clone Wars, she was part of a Senate faction, the Loyalist Committee, that supported the Republic – and thus Chancellor Palpatine – against the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). However, Palpatine’s increasing powers and his support of changes to the Constitution and troubling legislation, alarmed a number of Loyalists. Enough so, that toward the end of the Clone Wars, Mothma and Organa, along with many other Loyalist Committee members joined the Delegation of 2,000, which unanimously petitioned for the Chancellor to give up his added powers.

Unlike her friend and colleague, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma stuck to the traditional political arenas, during and after the Clone Wars. She was one of the supporters of legislation to reduce military spending, cut clone “production” and increase diplomatic efforts to end hostilities with the CIS. She was one of the diplomats who tried to reach out to CIS leaders. Ultimately all these efforts were for naught, against the political acumen and sheer might of the Sithlord-Chancellor.

Mon Mothma remained in the renamed Imperial Senate until it was dissolved, but also remained loyal to her fallen Republic. She and Bail Organa were the best-known founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Sometime after the Senate Dissolution, Mon Mothma became the Rebel Alliance’s civilian leader, it’s Chancellor. She was greatly pained by the many who gave their lives for her cause, but survived to remember them and, no doubt, continue to provide leadership in the heady but difficult days following the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and his apprentice Darth Vader.

Screen Capture from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Screen Capture from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

MON MOTHMA [Nemesis]

Brawn 1
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Willpower 3
Presence 4

Strain Threshold: 14
Wound Threshold: 12
Soak: 3
Melee/Ranged Defense: 0/0

SKILLS: Charm 2, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1, Knowledge (Education) 1, Leadership 3, Negotiation 2

TALENTS:  Inspiring Rhetoric (Make an Average Leadership check. For each Success, one ally within Close range recovers 1 Strain; for each Advantage, one ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional Strain), Improved Inspiring Rhetoric (Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains one Boost die on all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to the character’s ranks in Leadership; does not stack with itself), Nobody’s Fool (Difficulty of Charm, Coercion and Deception checks targeting the character are upgraded once)

EQUIPMENT: Diplomat’s Robes (Desperate Allies), bodyguards and entourage



(Designer Notes: the information herein is all from sources post-8/25/2014, when the new canon took effect.)



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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at