Book of Creatures (5e): An Interview With Iris (Studio Agate)

With the Kickstarter for Creatures: Complete Monster Compendium for 5E from Studio Agate (Fateforge, Shadows of Esteren) nearing its end, I spoke with Iris, the lead designer on Fateforge and co-director of Studio Agate, about their monster manual, the metal dice they’re offering, and what Ed Greenwood is adding to the project.

EGG EMBRY: Thanks for talking with me about the Book of Creatures. When I talked to Nel during the Dark Romanticism campaign, he hinted at this project. What can fans expect from this Kickstarter?


IRIS: Hello, Egg, and thank you for having me. Creatures is a major book of the Fateforge series. The Kickstarter unlocked not only additions to its contents, but also many options, including a scenario by Ed Greenwood, creator of the legendary Forgotten Realms. Ed even imagined a one-of-a-kind creature for us: the Horoth! But the campaign isn’t over yet, and we have a few surprises in store for the last stretch 🙂


EGG: That’s a nice addition! Let’s segue from Ed’s Horoth to all of the monsters. How many? What types/CRs can backers expect?

IRIS: There are more than 200 creatures of all types, with CRs ranging from 0 to 30. We’ve endeavored to provide varied encounters for different environments: city, mountains, polar region, and steppe.


EGG: Can you give a few examples of some of the monsters that are going to light up the gaming table?


IRIS: We wanted to offer material for varied game situations. For example, one of our concepts was to have creatures with a high CR, but which could fit into low-level campaigns. This is the case with A Thousand Faces, a puppet master with dark, corrupt powers. Another example of our original creations is fey urban cats, the anakedi, who look like normal animals, but are actually nigh-immortal powers behind the throne. Wandering through the icy regions, you might also meet your fears and nightmares made material in the person of the melancholic and mysterious inanes.


EGG: Very cool. You’re offering new playable species as well. How many, and what can players expect?

IRIS: There are six new playable species, along with descriptions of their cultures, beliefs, and aspirations. In addition, new equipment and feats suited to adventures in the wilderness will let you customize these NPCs even more.

First of all, an entirely new species we’ve come up with is the ulkani. Measuring between 7’ and 10’, with the tallest of them even reaching 12’, the ulkani stand out with their great stature, which is both a boon and an impediment. Their exceptional strength and fighting ability should not obscure their true nature, however, as this people is one of prophets and divine messengers.

Second are the mighty bugbears, who enjoy using their fearsome, brutish appearance to fool those who think it is all there is to them. They can be taiga bugbears, druidic followers of the great boreal forests; or bugbears from the Küstis lineage, spirited and dauntless fighters.

Another species, and probably the most iconic, is the goblins. Absolute masters of adaptation, goblins are the only people who can change subspecies in the space of a few generations, simply by spending time in a new environment. They are remarkable sailors, stockbreeders who live in harmony with nature, brilliant and creative craftsmen, or hardened survivors.

Next are the hobgoblins. Being born travelers, many hobgoblins make a career as cool-headed traders, negotiators, or mercenaries. Despite lacking a country of their own, they keep tight bonds with their extended family, forming a vast interconnected diaspora.


Fifth on the list, the kobolds are a people with an affinity for earthworks and mining, but also for arts and dreaming. Their goddess, Zanar the dragon dreamer, grants them the strength to live in accordance with their ideals and to turn their hopes into realities.

And last but not least: orcs! Orcs are a free, philosophical people whose ethics take shape sometimes brutally, sometimes with great sophistication. Two main lineages can be distinguished: steppe orcs are peerless animal trainers and gritty fighters, while mountain orcs are staunch, disciplined mystics.


EGG: The book offers more D&D content, but I want to talk just a bit about the campaign. How quickly will you deliver the PDF of this book to backers?

IRIS: We are currently working on putting final touches on the layout, so that the PDF is ready to be sent as soon as the campaign ends!


EGG: Metal dice were offered to early bird backers. These are not cheap to produce. Doing this will mean a significant investment for Studio Agate. Why do you feel passionately about getting these dice into backers hands?

IRIS: Everyone loves dice, us included. 🙂 It’s a way to give concrete thanks to those who have supported us from the start and helped us make the project a reality. And making dice available as pairs seemed all the more suited to us, for rolling with advantage or disadvantage 🙂


EGG: For those that miss the 48 hour cutoff, or want a second set, will you offer the dice as an add-on?

IRIS: Precisely! A pair of these metal dice (colored silver or bronze) is available as a $10 add-on. A pretty good deal 🙂


EGG: This isn’t the only special offer in this campaign. You also have backer rewards offering three variant book covers. Can you talk about the differences in each?

IRIS: The campaign features three editions with the same content but different covers. The Standard Edition will be the retail one, with the title “Creatures” at the top. The Fateforge Edition, intended for collectors of the series, has the same art, but with “Fateforge” at the top instead. Finally, the Red Dragon Edition boasts alternate art, showing the legendary tarrasque. This edition will not be sold in retail, and will only be available at conventions or via Kickstarter campaigns.


Peacat by Chane

EGG: Turning the clock back just a little, let’s talk about another campaign, since this is not Studio Agate’s first D&D 5e project. How has Fateforge been received?

IRIS: It was a great occasion, as we were able to showcase Fateforge at GenCon 2019! Not a lot of copies were available in retail, so the books very quickly went out of stock. Through the current campaign, we can issue a new print run and send fresh copies into circulation. We’ll soon make announcements on the subject.


EGG: Thank you for talking with me, Iris. Where can fans learn more about this project and Studio Agate?

IRIS: Fateforge has its own website here. And if you want to know more about Studio Agate, check out our site.

Until next time!

Book of Creatures: 200 NPCs and Monsters for 5th Edition from Studio Agate

End Date: Fri, October 2 2020 8:00 PM EDT.

“The classic bestiary reimagined by the most awarded French RPG studio. Discover new monsters, archetypes, rules, and playable species.”


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