In this second installment about my Mahrusha Sector campaign setting, I will focus on the leader of the Mahrusha Sector, Moff Carlinson. I will provide some background on the non-player character and give stats for using him in a Star Wars RPG. I am only providing stats for him here under the Fantasy Flight Games version of the RPG, however, if anyone would like to see the original D6 stats on him I can provide them upon request. I have updated his backstory with dates and information to make him compatible with the information we now know about the larger timeline of Star Wars.
Moff Niles Carlinson (Background)
Niles Carlinson was born in the year 51 BBY on the planet Lianna. His parents were respected professionals in Lianna City and members of high society. Located in the Allied Tion Sector of the Outer Rim, Lianna was far removed from the center of the Galactic Republic. It was safely insulated from core world politics though its metropolitan centers strove to keep up with the latest fads and fashions. Against this backdrop, Niles had an unremarkable childhood and upbringing filled with prep schools, nannies, and exposure to all the finest things of galactic life.
Growing up with two well-connected and educated parents, Niles developed an appreciation for both social climbing and the sciences at an early age. His parents had met while both working for the Santhe Corporation as Division Managers. His mother led the Inner Rim Sales Division for Santhe/Sienar Technologies and his father was a Research and Development Manager for Republic Sienar Systems (RSS). They instilled in their young son the importance of being noticed and fostering the right relationships to get ahead as they groomed him for ascent up the corporate ladder. Still, Niles found a lot of interest in the work his father did and he spent as much time studying with tutors and reading the latest tech journals as he did attending social functions.
In 33 BBY, Niles left Lianna for Rudrig in the Tion Hegemony. There he attended the University of Rudrig and studied Starship Engineering. Following his graduation with honors he returned to his homeworld and began a career as a Research Engineer with RSS thanks to the influence of his father who was now the VicePrex of Research and Development for Sienar Advanced Systems and answered directly to Raith Sienar.
While he had a creative mind and good instincts for starship R & D, Niles excelled with navigating the corporate bureaucracy and quickly rose in status within RSS. This brought him to the attention of Raith Sienar who appointed the young executive to be a Liaison to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. In this role, it was his job to lobby senators for contracts favorable to the Santhe Corporation and its subsidiaries. He had several meetings with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the years leading up to the start of the Clone Wars where he advocated in favor of the Military Creation Act.
During the Clone Wars, RSS supplied some ships to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and this led to its dissolution by the Imperial Senate under the new Galactic Empire. However, RSS was reborn as Sienar Fleet Systems shortly thereafter when Emperor Palpatine turned the subsidiary over to Raith Sienar to produce vessels for the Empire. Meanwhile, Niles, former executive of RSS, was summoned to Emperor Palpatine who offered him an appointment as Moff of the Mahrusha Sector. He graciously accepted the appointment by the Emperor with the condition that he be allowed to attend Officer Candidate School so that he could gain an insight into the military leaders under his command. This request was granted and following six months on Carida, Moff Niles Carlinson assumed his command of the Mahrusha Sector in 18 BBY.
During the tenure of the command, Moff Carlinson has not faced any serious challenges to his control of the sector. Primarily, his sector and its resources have been supporting the efforts of Grand Moff Tarkin and others more actively engaged against the Rebel Alliance. He has a team of starship engineers which he has recruited to assist him in carrying out modifications to select vessels in his Sector Group HQ squadrons.
After the death of the Emperor at the Battle of Endor, Carlinson granted himself the title of Grand Moff and sought to consolidate his power within his sector before striking out against the fledgling New Republic.
Moff Niles Carlinson [Nemesis]
Human Imperial Moff
Motivation: Influence
Duty: Tech Development
Characteristics: Brawn 2 Agility 3 Intellect 4 Cunning 3 Willpower 4 Presence 4
Soak: 4 Wound Threshold: 13 Strain Threshold: 16 Defense (m/r): 1/1
Skills: Astrogation 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Coercion 4, Computers 3, Cool 3, Core Worlds 3, Deception 3, Discipline 3, Education 4, Gunnery 2, Leadership 5, Mechanics 5, Medicine 2, Melee 3, Negotiation 5, Outer Rim 5, Perception 4, Piloting (Planetary) 2, Piloting (Space) 4, Ranged (Light) 3, Resilience 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 4, Warfare 4
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once), Dockyard Expertise 2 (may make an Average Knowledge (Education) check when at a space dock; reduces cost and time for repairs by 50%), Gearhead 2 (remove 2 setback from Mechanics checks), Known Schematic (once per session, may use a maneuver to make a Hard Knowledge (Education) check; grants familiarity with a building or ship’s design), Master Artisan (once per round, suffer 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of next Mechanic’s check by 1 to a minimum of Easy), Plausible Deniability 4 (remove 4 setback from all Coercion or Deception checks), Researcher 1 (remove 1 setback from all Knowledge checks; researching a subject takes half the time), Supreme Inspiring Rhetoric (as a maneuver, may make an Average difficulty Leadership check; each success removes 1 strain or wound from one ally in short range; spend advantage to remove 1 additional strain or wound from an affected ally; all affected allies add a boost to all checks for 4 rounds)
Special Abilities: Imperial Valor (may perform a maneuver to cause all ranged attacks targeting the Moff to instead hit one ally or helpless enemy he is engaged with, until the beginning of the next turn)
Equipment: heavy blaster pistol (with superior weapon customization; Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range Medium; Encum 2; stun setting; generates an automatic Advantage on all checks related to its use), Moff uniform (acts as Armored Clothing with superior armor customization; Defense 1; Soak 2; Encum 2), rank cylinders, comlink, datapad