In this third installment about the Mahrusha Sector campaign setting, I will focus on a modification implemented by Moff Carlinson to some of the TIE bombers assigned to him. I will also provide some insight into how they were utilized by the Moff and give some adventure hooks where you might try them out in your own RPG campaign. So strap in and prepare to meet the TIE/io ionization platform variant of the TIE/sa tactical bomber!
TIE/io Ionization Platform
Built on the familiar twin-boom hull of the TIE/sa tactical bomber, the TIE/io replaces the ordinance capabilities of the standard TIE bomber with a dedicated medium ion cannon comparable to that found on much larger ships of the line. This gives the TIE/io a greater punch at longer range than comparable attack ships with ion capability such as the Y-Wing or B-Wing. A separate generator within the port pod provides power to the ion cannon and must recharge between each shot for maximum effectiveness. Additionally, the sensors on this variant have been upgraded at the expense of reducing the patrol range of the vessel.
Moff Carlinson devised this variant of the TIE/sa as a method of controlling smuggler traffic within more congested spaceport traffic where smaller ships hauling contraband could hide among larger commercial transports. TIE patrols are not an uncommon sight in such areas and many smugglers have experience evading harassing fire from TIE fighters until they can find a place to hide, but they find it hard to do so when the first blast from a TIE/io ionizes their ship before they are even in cannon range. Additionally, outlying areas may see a Gozanti-class cruiser on patrol where its complement of TIE/ln fighters have been replaced by a pair of TIE/io ships which can be a nasty surprise for a rebel or pirate vessel in the Mahrusha Sector.
The TIE/io ionization platform ship is typically found as part of a two-ship element replacing a portion of the normal TIE/sa bombers of an assault squadron. However, Moff Carlinson’s Sector HQ flagship Raptor a modified Praetor II battlecruiser, is rumored to carry a full squadron of TIE/io craft as part of its fighter complement.
TIE/io Ionization Platform
Silhouette 3
Speed 4
Handling +0
Defense: Fore 0 / Port – / Starboard – / Aft 0
Armor 3
Hull Trauma Threshold 9
System Strain Threshold 8
Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/TIE Series.
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems.
Hyperdrive: None.
Navicomputer: None.
Sensor Range: Short.
Ship’s Complement: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 5.
Passenger Capacity: 0.
Consumables: One day.
Price/Rarity: 110,000 credits (R)/5.
Customization Hard Points: 0.
Weapons: Forward-mounted light laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1).
Forward-mounted heavy ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Breach 1, Ion, Slow-Firing 1)
Using the TIE/io
If your PCs are having too easy of a time evading Imperial Customs or other elements of the Empire, throw a TIE/io patrol at them. They will have quite a shock when a nondescript pair of bombers scans them at short range and opens up with an ion cannon barrage with Damage 6 and Breach 1. Two ships, both managing to hit with an opening salvo, will deal 12 points of system strain immediately and be indicative of the tough fight ahead for the PCs.
After the Battle of Endor, when Carlinson was consolidating his power in the Mahrusha Sector, he conducted some strikes on New Republic shipping in space lanes outside his territory. For these attacks he used a lightly armed KDY Super Transport XI carrying a half-dozen TIE/io and a half-dozen TIE/ln fighters to quickly subdue and steal smaller transports within the cavernous bay of the Super Transport XI. A group of PCs might be sent to investigate ships lost to apparent piracy only to find it to be the work of Moff Carlinson striking at shipping that supports the New Republic or Rebel Alliance.