With the completion of Season One of The Mandalorian, we are left with some general impressions about the state of the galaxy at this particular time period in the Star Wars saga. Though it is never explicitly stated, the show is known to be taking place approximately five years following the Battle of Endor which would place it at 9 ABY in the timeline. So what would Player Characters experience while playing in a RPG campaign set in this time period? We don’t know enough to paint a complete picture of the galactic sandbox, but there is enough information for an industrious GM to create some compelling tales. In this article I will mostly focus on the two major factions of the time; the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.
MINOR SPILERS! I will attempt to avoid spoiling any major plot points of The Mandalorian, but I will be divulging some background information revealed within the show so be warned.
The Galactic Empire
The protagonist of The Mandalorian asserts early on that the Galactic Empire is out of power as he questions the value of Imperial Credits. The Aftermath novels, as well as video games and comics, explain that the last remnants of the Empire gathered at Jakku in 5 ABY and fought a significant space and ground battle that saw the elimination of the Empire as a major threat. Four years later, Imperial influence has continued to wane and remaining forces are either laying low or have consolidated quietly.
On the planet Nevarro, the Imperial presence has been relegated to a handful of Stormtroopers guarding a former Imperial dignitary known only as The Client. They control a small collection of interconnected, nondescript buildings with no exterior guards. Only once someone enters the enclave do you start to see Imperial trappings such as a prominent medallion worn around The Client’s neck. His Stormtrooper guards, on the other hand, wear dirty armor and seem to have developed lax security discipline until they actually must confront an intruder. Then they demonstrate a high-degree of training as they begin to sweep through in a search for their quarry. Otherwise, they seem to only remain there out of loyalty to the person that is still paying them and not for some loftier sense of duty.
By contrast, on the planet Tatooine, the only sign of the Empire having ever been there is a collection of Stormtrooper helmets impaled on spikes in the street. It is likely that the former owners of the helmets met a violent end in an uprising staged by the local populace. As isolated as Tatooine is in the Outer Rim the Empire probably did not try to hold onto the world as it offered little strategic value and, normally, was under the control of the Hutts. Even so, it should be noted that the one-time busy port of Mos Eisley has seemingly waned in importance with few ships arriving or taking off and the streets almost deserted. Perhaps there is less business for smugglers now that the Empire is out of power?
It can also be surmised that there were some worlds where the Empire simply abandoned their posts and left assets behind. This would explain how a band of raiders on Sorgan were able to acquire an AT-ST and utilize it to deadly effect against local villagers. There are probably countless worlds where local crime lords took advantage of disarray in the local Imperial garrison to seize weapons and equipment and enhance their personal power.
Finally, more powerful Imperial officers and Moffs have seemingly continued with business as usual. Moff Gideon displays a wide scope of military power with Stormtroopers in well-maintained gear, specialist units of soldiers, vehicles, and heavy weapons at his disposal. Such is his control over his territory that even scattered remnants in hiding owe their fealty and loyalty to him. Unless he runs afoul of the New Republic, it is doubtful that anyone will have the strength to challenge him directly for control.
The New Republic
Even less is known about the New Republic during this time period though some hints are offered by both The Mandalorian as well as other sources. There are three main takeaways that can be utilized within a Star Wars campaign. These are where the New Republic is focusing its efforts, what activities it is mostly carrying out, and how life has changed under the New Republic.
It seems that the New Republic is mostly concentrating on the liberation and control of more populated worlds closer to the Core Region. This is borne out by the Aftermath novels and a general impression in The Mandalorian that the New Republic doesn’t have time to round up scattered Imperials. Chandrila is an early capital for the New Republic and is far removed from the Outer Rim.
Immediately following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic focused on fighting Imperial forces and liberating worlds. By 9 ABY, direct assaults have been replaced by more low-intensity operations requiring speed and stealth to subdue targets. Defeated Imperial warlords are imprisoned or executed following trials for atrocities committed during the Galactic Civil War. Diplomatic missions to secure member worlds for the New Republic have mostly replaced military missions at this time.
Within space under the control of the New Republic, a new era of democracy and rule of law has been established. Criminals identified by the New Republic avoid travel on ships with registries under the New Republic for fear of being identified and arrested. Those who are arrested are transported on mostly automated prison ships to facilities within New Republic space under the guard of droid sentries. While the new government may utilize bounty hunters under some circumstances, it seems that there is less of a demand for bounty hunter services in this era with the Guild closing some of its operations in outlying areas.
In Conclusion
I personally feel that an Edge of the Empire campaign would thrive in this time period. While there may be less work for a smuggler or bounty hunter from normal channels, there is still an implied criminal underworld at work whether it is the Hutts, Crimson Dawn, or the Zann Consortium at play. The Empire will be more or less of a challenge depending on the planet, its value, and location and interactions with the remnants of the Empire can provide plenty of plot ideas. Finally, the New Republic is a relative wildcard as well; ineffective in the Outer Rim and perhaps serving as a foil for groups with a criminal bent within civilized space. It’s a whole new galaxy to discover!