Fringe Threats is an ongoing series of articles where I will present fully fleshed out characters to throw at your party in place of generic bounty hunters/pirates/scoundrels. These profiles will include plot hooks, game stats, tactics, personality traits, sample quotes, etc. It is my hope that these characters will serve as set pieces that a GM can drop into their game, fully-formed and ready for play.

Chell “Cold Case” Wi’eeda, Journeyman Hunter
Background: Born to an enslaved family of Tibanna gas miners on the Hutt controlled world of Sleheyron, Chell spent most of her youth dreaming of escaping the miserable living and working conditions of her family. Before long, she lost both parents (her mother died in an accident, and her father was sold without notice) and was forced to make her own way. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities for a slave child, least of all in Hutt controlled space.
Chell began to inform on other slaves to earn her meals and eventually turned to tracking escapees full-time once she bought her freedom. Now a fully licensed bounty hunter, Chell primarily patrols Hutt space (though she will still take Imperial contracts on criminals seeking refuge in the Hutt’s domain). She hasn’t brought in any high-profile targets yet, but her track record for recovering escaped slaves with icy detachment has earned her the nickname “Cold Case” – a moniker and reputation she has embraced by christening her first starship with it.
Personality: Chell has a well-earned reputation for pitiless, professional detachment. The conditions of her childhood taught her that she couldn’t trust anyone and she would need to be ruthless to survive into adulthood. As a result, she rarely partners with other hunters and has trained a pack of Corellian hounds to assist her on hunts. She takes excellent care of her hounds and shows them more affection than she has ever been witnessed giving another sentient being.
Tactics: Though toughened from a life of hardship, Chell is rather slight for a Rodian due to her constant struggle with malnutrition as an enslaved child. To compensate for her slender physique, she has trained a pack of Corellian hounds to assist her in hunts and subdue her prey. She has proven to be an excellent trainer, and her hounds are well-trained and completely obedient. She is typically accompanied by 2-3 hounds when tracking a single quarry but will bring the whole pack if she knows she will be up against multiple targets. She releases them from Medium to Long range and designates her targets with Hunter’s Quarry (using two maneuvers if she is splitting her pack up). She then typically lets her hounds occupy the targets attention while sniping from range with her hunting blaster. If the targets have been softened up and restrained by her hounds, she will close the gap and stun anyone still conscious with one of her blasters. Chell keeps an electroshock prod handy in case she is forced into hand-to-hand combat as it doesn’t rely on physical prowess to be effective.
Really great stuff Phillip, and in a downloadable PDF. Super Nerdtastic I like it.