Recently, it was announced that workers at Paizo formed the first union in the tabletop industry. We here at d20 Radio support this effort. I can recall several stories out of the gaming industry over the years that would have gone differently if there were unions in place. This can only lead to better things for the people who make the games we love.
Rather than rehash things, or turn this into a political website, we’re going to share their words explaining why this is necessary and important.
Hi everybody. We’re 30+ members of the Paizo staff, and today we’re announcing that we have formed the United Paizo Workers, one of the first unions of its kind in the tabletop game industry. #UnionizePaizo
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
To those of you who have spent the past weeks infuriated by the stories you’ve heard about Paizo’s management and by the conditions we’re forced to work under, and who have called for #PaizoAccountability, we just want to say: Thank you. 2/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
We see you, we know you, and we feel the same way you do. Your support through uncertainty has meant everything to us as we’ve made plans together, and we’re so excited to be finally able to share all of this with you. 3/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
Over the past weeks, we’ve been comforting each other, sharing our stories, and discussing how to ensure that the change that you all have pushed for – that we badly need – comes to fruition. 4/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
In pretty much every company in America today, the bosses have all the power. That’s by design. Workers have precious few mechanisms with which to affect their workplaces, except one: their voice. And when all our voices come together, we actually can effect change. 5/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
So that’s what we’re doing. By forming a union, we’ll be able to speak with one voice to management, and to finally have a say in how the company we love is run. We’ll be able to protect each other, stand up for each other, and fight for what’s right. 6/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
A strong majority of eligible employees have committed to this effort already, and now that we’re public we expect to welcome more into our movement. We are united as one front, with one voice, as one party, to call out for change, for action, and for accountability. 7/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be talking more about our union – what we’re fighting for, how we’ll get it, and how a union goes from two people having a conversation to a united group, protected by law and with a binding employment contract. 8/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
For now, what we’re calling for is voluntary recognition from Paizo management. For them to agree to sit down at the bargaining table with us and engage in good-faith negotiations.
For them to show they care about their staff, this community, and the products they produce. 9/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
If you support the staff of Paizo – and we know you do – there are some simple things you can do. First, share this message far and wide! Retweet, post on Facebook, share on Discord, and use the hashtag #UnionizePaizo to show your support. 10/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
If you’re so inclined, write an email to the executives, expressing your approval and asking them to recognize our union. Let them know what our games mean to you, and why you support their staff so much. 11/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
And remember, the executives – Jeff, Erik, Lisa, they’re all our staff too. Remind them of that. Tell them that you support them too, and that you want to see Paizo as a strong workplace for all employees. 12/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
Remember: when one party member is in trouble, we *all* roll initiative. This movement is built of Paizo staff, out of the love we have for our games, each other, and the community. We can’t do this without your support. 13/n
— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021
Thank you all so much. We’re looking forward to a brighter future, and to building it together, as the United Paizo Workers.
Solidarity, friends, and thank you. #UnionizePaizo
14/n— United Paizo Workers (@PaizoWorkers) October 14, 2021