D&D PC: Nadarr Goldenback

This is the first in a series of PCs designed to help players get into D&D 5e.

Below is NADARR GOLDENBACK, a third level Dragonborn Paladin Outcast with a penchant for violence. Of course, players can choose to alter whatever they need to meet their playing preferences or the session/campaign setting.



Dragonborn Paladin, Chaotic Good

Senses Passive Perception 13

Languages Common, Draconic, Orcish

Hit Points 25; Hit Dice 3d10 Armor Class 19; Damage Resistance Fire; Saving Throws Wis +1, Cha +3

Speed 30 ft

Str* 16 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha* 16

Proficiency Bonus +2

Skills Intimidation +5, Survival +3

Class Proficiencies all armor, all shields, simple weapons, martial weapons

Class Abilities Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style (Protection), Spellcasting, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Sacred Oath

Attacks Longsword +5 (1d8+3) slashing, or (1d10+3) if used two handed

Draconic Ancestry Fire Breath 15 ft cone Damage 2d6 (Dex. save)

Spellcasting (Spell Save DC = 13) / (Spell Attack Modifier = +5);

Slots: 3 1st level spells: Cure Wounds, Detect Good and Evil, Divine Favor

Equipment chainmail, longsword, shield, five javelins, priests’s pack, holy symbol, flute, staff, a hunting trap, a lion’s hide, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch with 10gp


-Origin: Outcast Noble

-Personality: I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won’t save you from a hungry owlbear

-Ideal: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.

-Bond: I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.

-Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.

Primary Abilities

Nadarr is a stranger in a strange land. The last of his people, who all died of a mysterious plague, Nadarr now wanders the world fighting evil when he finds it. He believes in the good of others, even though he is feared by most he comes across, but his growing reputation ensures very few ever cross him.

Nadarr will always search out for evildoers in any situation and he will engage with violence first, questions later. He doesn’t always play well with others, but once he makes friends he is a fierce and loyal friend.

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Software designer, gamer, screenwriter, comic book writer, novelist, and game designer who loves a good story and to have a good time. I might come across as flippant and sarcastic, but that's because I am. I don't take too much seriously.