Cloning dinosaurs for use as a theme park attraction is an objectively bad idea. However, if pop culture has taught us anything, it’s that if something goes horribly wrong the first time, you should probably just keep trying until you get it right, regardless of common sense, logic, or the wretched screams of terrified innocents as they’re torn limb from limb by angry prehistoric monsters.
Dinosaurs can be a great addition to any role-playing game, but are particularly well suited to superhero stories. Whether the cloned experiments of some mad scientist, denizens of some hidden land untouched by millennia, or the result of a time-travel accident, nothing says we need a hero like terrible lizards rampaging their way through the downtown core. That’s why every day for Dinosaur Week, the Gamer Nation Blog is presenting stats for two different dinosaurs for use in your Mutants & Masterminds 3E games.

Name: Two Measures of Teeth
Size: 1 m x 4.6 m
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: South Western United States
Age: Early Permian
Not actually a dinosaur, dimetrodon was a species of non-mammalian synapsids. However, just because they died out roughly 40 million years before the first dinosaur appeared, and are actually more closely related to mammals, there’s no reason you shouldn’t include them in your game. Who’s going to stop you, the Dinosaur Police?
Though primitive, dimetrodon was likely an apex predator in its region. The build reflects that by having them be a fairly simple PL 5. However, they become more dangerous in the water. They’re strong swimmers, can sense movement in the water, and can hold their breath much longer than most creatures. The Favored Environment Advantage gives them a +2 circumstance bonus in the water, allowing them to do more damage.
Dimetrodon • PL 5, MR 2
Str 5 Sta 4 Agl 2 Dex 0 Fgt 3 Int -5 Awe 2 Pre 0
Powers: Strength-based Damage 2 [Bite], Growth 5 (innate, Permanent), Half Immunity 1 (Drowning) Senses 2 (Acute Smell, Tremorsense),
Advantages: Favored Environment: Water
Skills: Perception 4 (+6)
Offense: Initiative +2, Bite +3 (Close, Damage 7)
Defense: Dodge 2, Parry 6, Fortitude 4, Toughness 4, Will 2
Totals: Abilities 2 + Powers 18 + Advantages 1 + Sills 2 + Defenses 7 = Total 30 points

Name: Deceptive Reptile
Size: 5 m x 22.8 m
Diet: Herbivore
Habitat: Central United States
Age: Late Jurassic
The classic sauropod, apatosaurs are massive herbivores, thought to be somewhat docile. Fossil records indicate that apatosaurus was likely a herd animal, supplementing their large size with large numbers to dissuade any predators.
Apatosaur tails were structured very similarly to a bullwhip, and paleontologists theorize that these dinosaurs may have been able to use their tails to make a loud cracking noise, comparable in volume to a cannon being fired. They may have also used the tail to injure predators.
Apatosaurus • PL 8, MR 4
Str 10 Sta 14 Agl 2 Dex 0 Fgt 2 Int -5 Awe 1 Pre 3
Powers: Cone Area Affliction 6 [Tail Crack] (Dazed, Stunned; Resisted by Will; Limited Degree), Growth 14 (Innate, Permanent), Senses 1 (Acute Smell)
Advantages: Great Endurance
Skills: Close Combat: Tail Strike 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+7)
Offense: Init +2, Tail Whip +6 (Close, Damage 10), Tail Crack (Cone Area Affliction 6)
Defense: Dodge -3, Parry 2, Fortitude 14, Toughness 14, Will 2
Totals: Abilities -2 + Powers 36 + Advantages 1 + Skills 5 + Defenses 10 = Total 50 points