Greeting Gamer Nation! I was lucky enough to attend the In-Flight Report again this year. CEO Christian T Petersen began, in usual fashion, by giving a brief history of the company. He then discussed the merger with Asmodee and how this makes them a truly international company. Allowing both companies to get into the respective markets easier.
Some notable titles this year were A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Second Edition, Mission: Red Planet, a new Battlelore expansion, and the Descent Second Edition Expansion: Mists of Bile Hall. The latest expansion for Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids, which will introduce the Prelude Mechanics which will dictate what sets are used for a particular game or style within the Eldritch Horror experience. Meaning you don’t have to dig out every expansion to fill an entire dining room table.
Three new games were announced at Gen Con. Fury of Dracula, technically announced right before, Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game, and a reprinted and retooled Runebound.
Now what most of you have been waiting for announcements for Star Wars gaming. On the Roleplaying front only the Star Wars: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook and the Game Master’s Kit were announced. As Christian put it: “The cycle is now complete.”
Concerning Imperial Assault the Twin Shadows expansion was available at the Con. They also announced a new campaign expansion Return to Hoth which appears to include Leia in her Hoth uniform, a Mon Calamari Hero wearing a trench coat and carrying a rifle. Also an AT-ST with new armaments and what looked like General Viers or another Commander partially out of the top hatch. A few expansion packs were pictured. Stormtroopers, Wookiees and Rodians. And what appeared to be the Smuggler Pash from the Edge of the Empire Beginner Game.
In X-Wing News, the Imperial Raider was designed in collaboration with Lucasfilm and is now officially part of the canon. The Wave VII ships, announced last year, were pictured and mentioned as well, and were available during the Con for purchase. The big announcement was Wave VIII which will include the Mist Hunter, the Punishing One, the Inquisitors TIE fighter, the Imperial Assault Carrier, and the Ghost. The Imperial Assault Carrier comes with two TIEs and can also dock four TIEs underneath it. The Ghost will also include a model and rules for the Phantom as well, so that the two ships can be used in tandem the way that we see them functioning in the TV Show.
Lastly there was an announcement about The Force Awakens, which was something is coming.
You can watch the Fantasy Flight Games 2015 In-Flight Report in it’s entirety by clicking the previous link.
Be sure to check out GM Dave’s article.