Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Finder’s Archives.
Today, I’d like to introduce you to a Danish tradition called “the julekalender.” Every day, for the 24 days leading up to Christmas there is a 24 episode television show, with each episode about 30 minutes long, usually telling some form of Christmas history.
So this brings us here – why am I telling you this? Well, today marks the start of an experiment, for how you can run a 24 session (each session being 1 hour) of roleplaying games, with your children, and tell them a Christmas story. Each day will have a very limited story or event that ties in with the whole narrative, ending with the players saving Christmas.
There is no set system for this, simply play it with your favorite. That said, simple systems will likely allow you a better story – things like Pugmire, Kids on Bikes, No Thank You Evil — these and other simple systems should work well.
1st of December
The players are summoned by an old friend, who tells them that a terrible fate has befallen the world. A magical wish went wrong and destroyed Christmas (or whichever holiday you prefer). It seems everyone apart from the old friend has forgotten about it. And before they ask – yes it was his fault, but he was trying to accomplish something else. He merely wanted everyone to know about the holiday and be happy.
He has discovered how to restore Christmas though – it’s a matter of rekindling the spirit of Christmas in everyone. To that end, he gives each of them a small bauble, a snowglobe, that shows his house. Simply shake it, and you’ll be able to communicate with him.
For their first task, he sends them to a nearby village where they need to help a young girl find her pet. Her pet, however, turns out to be a ferocious monster – but one that truly is gentle, and the real danger is the villagers that do not understand that the monster is trying to protect her.
2nd of December
Following the rescue of the girl and the monster, their old friend calls upon them using the snowglobe. This time their task is simpler: they must help a lonely old lady bake cookies for her grandchildren. Regrettably, her family is enormous, and baking for 60 grandchildren is going to take some doing if they’re to do it all in one day. Perhaps magic or ingenuity can help them along?
3rd of December
That morning they’re woken early by their friend. It’s dark and stormy, and he tells them that the next task will be more difficult. He advises them that a few miles to the north is a lighthouse that’s surrounded by storms. They must go there and calm the lighthouse keeper, as the emotions of that person are causing damage to the landscape around it. If they ask, he reveals that it’s not really a few miles away, but it’ll feel that way, as he magically speeds them along. When they finally get to the lighthouse, they find an old man sitting at the center of the lighthouse on the lowest floor. The lights in the lighthouse have all gone out. Asking him, they find that he’s lost everyone he loves and that he believes his life is now worthless. His emotions and his self-hatred are causing spirits to flock to, and surround the lighthouse. In order to stop it, they must calm him down – in fact, the old woman from the 2nd of December could always use a friend.
4th of December
On the 4th, there is no call from their friend, but assuming they try to check up on him, they discover someone else answering the call, a hideous disfigured green face – he tells them that he has kidnapped their friend and that they’ll never see him again! It takes them all day to get back to their friend’s tower, as they’re somehow still affected by the magic that propels them along. Once they get there, they must search for clues to find their lost friend.
5th of December
By the morning of the 5th, they find traces of a series of small, dark creatures (goblins, gremlins, or the like) that lead away into a nearby forest, and they were clearly dragging something behind them. Once inside the forest, they encounter Finkelstein – a small, gnomelike fey, who agrees to help them, IF they successfully navigate his maze. Secretly, Finkelstein wants to help them, so whenever they’re stumped, he appears to “hinder” them but is in reality helping them along. The reason, if they ask him once they’re finished with the maze, is that the creatures that were dragging their friend were EXTREMELY rude, and stamped all over his lovely garden! Unfortunately, unbreakable magical vows that he’d made to the Faerie King and Queen prevented him from helping them directly, without the heroes solving his maze – so he had to cheat a bit.
6th of December
On the 6th, Finkelstein leads them to an old cave. Outside the cave, a number of the creatures from the 6th have encamped, guarding the entrance. Getting in will require stealth or guile and Finkelstein suggests a disguise. Regrettably, they’re discovered by one of the guards, but the guard isn’t what she appears. Though disguised as one of the creatures, she is in reality an elf called Velena, and her own father is was recently captured by the “Troll King” as well. Now, she wants the help of the heroes to get inside and free him and their friend.
7th of December
Sneaking in with the help of Velena, the heroes confront the “Troll King” – who turns out to be another fey disguised as one of the dark creatures, albeit an exceptionally ugly one. The heroes can either fight him directly, which promises to be a hard battle, or they can try to beat him in a game of their choice. The Troll King is a notorious cheater, and any game that the heroes attempt – he’ll try to cheat at. He’ll happily give them another try after the first one, but that is when he starts to get too cocky for his own good. He gets caught cheating, and by the laws of the Faerie King and Queen he MUST now give over the price of their friend and Velena’s father. As he points out afterward though, nothing prevents him from taking them back, and he orders his creatures to attack – the heroes can then either fight them off or run. The Troll King, however, escapes and swears vengeance.
And that concludes this week – next week, we’ll provide you more.