Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Finder’s Archives.
Last week we started week one (or days 1 – 7) of the D20Radio Julekalender campaign. This week we continue for another 7 days. Remember these sessions are supposed to be no more than an hour long (though some of the enterprising ones of you out there might get more time out of it) and have no set game system for it. Simple, narrative systems will probably work best though.
That said, we pick up where we left off, with the heroes having just defeated the Troll King.
8th of December
The friend of the heroes thanks them profusely for saving him, but he reminds them that time is of the essence, so it’s time for them to continue their question to save the holiday. While captured by the Troll King, he was able to pick up on a few hints, but some of them he will need time to figure out before he can send the heroes off. The first one, however, he knew what it was.
In a faraway land (where he whisks them using teleportation magic), is a magical tree that is 100 feet tall. The tree remains green throughout the year and spreads good cheer to those around it. At the top of the tree sits a fallen star, that bathes the land around it in happiness and warmth. The Troll King’s minions stole the star and hid it in a cave nearby where it is guarded by a sleeping cyclops. The heroes must steal the star back and place it atop the tree once more.
9th of December
The next morning their friend contacts them using the snowglobe once more and congratulates them on their success so far. He can see that some of the stories and tales of the holiday have started being restored to his books, but there is still some work to do. His next task involves finding a young boy, who seems tied to the holiday. He lives where the winter storms are at their strongest, and somehow he’s been infected with something that causes the storms to rage ferociously where they normally – for just one night of winter – drop away, leaving peace on the land. The boy must be found and he must be cured. Their friend tells them to simply head north, and follow the wind that has started blowing – it will take them to him within a matter of hours.
The boy has been infected with a strange disease that causes him to lose control of his winds – in fact, he is a juvenile and not-quite-ready avatar of one of the gods of weather/winter. In order to cure him, the heroes must find the snowberries that grow in the storm, and brew him a drink. Once he’s imbibed the drink, he regains control of his powers.
10th of December
The call from their friend is slightly late the following morning, and he looks frazzled and covered in dust. He explains that he’s been digging through all his books, to find out what to do now and what went wrong. He’s found a reference to the “Man of Gold” – an ancient alchemist who supposedly perfect the alchemical arts of transmuting lead (and more) into gold. His work is damaging the inherent levels of magic in the land where he works his magic though, and it’s turned the seasons upside down, so where it is winter, it has summer weather, and his work is trapping the magic in the gold he creates. This is wreaking havoc with crops, animals, and the holiday, and the gold must be destroyed. Unfortunately, the alchemist isn’t willing to give up his work without a fight. When they finally destroy the gold and/or convince the Alchemist to do so, he reveals that the recipe he was using came from a mysterious stranger that he encountered – one that matches the description of the Troll King.
11th of December
After staying the night at the Alchemist’s place, the heroes can find information that reveals the current location of the Troll King. There is a portal beneath a nearby bridge, one that leads into an underground realm where he has taken up refuge.
Once the heroes get there, they find that the portal is real, though it is closed. Opening the portal requires them to figure out how to open it. There are 2 main ways – a lot of digging shows that there are a number of rocks near the entrance, small ones – but with traces of Pyrite in them. The fool’s gold can open the portal but cannot pass through, so the Troll King’s servants leave it behind. He’s told them to dispose of it, but they’re simply too lazy to do so unless directly told so at the time. He reinforces this about once every week, but it’s only a few days before they return to their old habits.
The other way is to lie in ambush for one of the servants to arrive. It happens about an hour after the heroes arrive, when a small furry gremlin-like creature (named Click-Clack for his tendency to dice away his earnings), gigglingly arrives to open the portal. Click-Clack doesn’t want to open the portal for them, but gambling with him allows them to win the secret from him. (Unlike the Troll King, he doesn’t cheat. But he is a HORRIBLE player – and one the gripes and grumbles incessantly when he loses). Once lost, he of course opens the portal, but by then the sun has gone down.
12th of December
Entering the portal, the heroes find themselves transported into a dungeon, where the walls themselves are solid, but seemingly made from mist. Traversing the dungeon, they come across ghostly representations of themselves, and the people they’ve met so far, with each room presenting the events that happened on each day, though as if they were seen through the eyes of a cynic who hated the participants. For example, Velena from the 6th of December is presented as an ugly crone, rather than a young and attractive elf. The Troll King is presented as a majestic creature, one that only loses due to sheer bad luck, rather than the ability of the heroes. (And if they caught him cheating, this shows the story as if THEY were cheating, rather than him). Eventually, they get to a throne room – but it is empty. The Troll King sensed them coming and ran for it. In the middle of the Throne Room is not only the Throne but a large cauldron, that bubbles with a white liquid. It is not drinkable (in fact it tastes like rotten eggs, though it is not poisonous), but instead, when you stare into it, you can scry the lands around. Shown in the liquid, they see Velena fighting a shadowy dragon-like figure.
13th of December
Contacting their old friend, he sends them to a faraway mountain top, one that’s buffeted by winds and rain. From inside a cave, they hear the clashing of claw against blade and scraping of feet on stone. Inside, Velena is fighting for her life. Or at least so she thinks – the creature is in fact an illusion, but as the heroes enter, they’re each assaulted by shadowy illusions – ones that bring nightmares to life. Spiders come out from the ground, snakes fall from the ceiling, orcish hordes from nowhere, anything that you can get the heroes to believe in and be frightened. When the illusions are dispatched, either through combat or through successfully disbelieving them, the heroes find a small statue, in the shape of an ugly, toad-like man, naked, and sitting on a pedestal. Touching it feels like dipping your hands in cold, thick, slime. It is what is causing these nightmares and what captured Velena’s mind. It must be destroyed, a simple task that involves burning it in a fire, while it is surrounded by love or friendship. A cozy bonfire is just the thing.
14th of December
Their friend contacts them the next morning telling them that, for once, he doesn’t have a task. He’s still working on deciphering the next puzzle, which is turning out to be tricky. Perhaps they could escort Velena home to her father once more? It is travel through dangerous lands, and even his magic can’t take them there directly, as they live in an area, where such magic is not permitted.
The travel itself is safe, but it gives the heroes time to rest, heal up, and Velena happily lets them stay the night at the house where she and her father lives – a cozy little farm, a few miles outside the nearest village. Warm beds, warmer food, and hot drink await them, while their mounts are tended to by the stableboy.
And that concludes this week – next week, we’ll provide you more.