Welcome to the Finder’s Archive. This week’s location is a bit different to the ones normally presented, as it is presented here as an encounter location as opposed to the more generic locations and dangers that this column normally presents.
The PCs come back to a well-known camp, a place where they have spent a fair bit of time, and are liked. This could be the camp of allies (such as a cohort and followers from the Leadership feat) or it could just be a place that they normally hang out in between adventures. In any case, it should be a place that they have some connection to.
Lay of the Land
Read the following out loud:
The normally busy camp lies completely deserted. A forlorn wind blows through the area, causing the tent doors to flap with a sound like a swarm of bats. Pots and pans lie knocked over, their contents having spilled onto the ground. The campfires have gone out, and even the ashes have gone cold long ago.
In the center of the camp, a dark obelisk rises, which definitely was not there the last time you were here. Clots of earth still clinging to it, as if it had burst through the ground, like a spear piercing flesh.
A faint smell of rot and dirt hang over the entire area, seemingly undisturbed by the wind.
The Obelisk is a soul siphon – a particularly dangerous one. Anyone remaining in the area for more than 24 hours, must make a DC 24 Fortitude saving throw or be affected by a magic jar spell.
The Obelisk is ALIVE with the souls it has absorbed. It has the stats of an Advanced Stone Golem, with maximum hit points (198 hp). Furthermore, the Obelisk has absorbed a number of souls to fill its reservoir, which can contain 20 souls. (The siphon still keeps using magic jar, even if the reservoir is full)
It can use these souls in 3 ways, each of which is a standard action:
- 10 souls: cast transmute mud to rock (as a 10th level wizard)
- 5 souls: cast black tentacles (as a 10th level wizard)
- 5 souls: cast lightning bolt (as a 10th level wizard)
Furthermore, the Obelisk is intelligent (Int 15) and malignant (Chaotic Evil). It has a burrow speed of 30 feet, though it cannot use the magic jar ability while submerged.. The Challenge rating for this encounter is 14.
Killing it does NOT restore the dead to life, but until it is killed, those who have had their souls absorbed cannot be restored to life through any means short of miracle or wish.