The ancient spring is a watering hole located out on the steppes, far from other watering holes, and the subject of many stories. Nearby residents believe it to be a magical wellspring and that those who drink from it will remain younger and stronger for longer, and that animals that drink from it will be blessed with healthy young. Contrary to that belief, it is not a magical wellspring, though it springs from deep within the dark recesses of the world, and ends up here, with the waters of the spring dragging along minerals that give it a purple color.
Lay of the Land
The area surrounding the ancient spring is completely dominated by steppes that stretch as far as the eye can see. Miles and miles of steppes, that are fairly well populated with animal life, mostly horses, though there are large numbers of antelopes and even a few camels as well. The area’s humanoid residents are mostly human, but recently a large tribe of gnolls has taken up arms against the humans, which has led to a semi-permanent state of war. As such anyone in the area is likely to be quizzed at arrow or spear point as to which side they are on. Anyone who declares themselves neutral will be (rather forcefully) recruited into the war effort. And those who declare themselves on the side of the questioner will be asked to show their token of loyalty. Failure to do so means you’re branded as a traitor. And of course, declaring for the other side invites instant attacks.
Most of the dangers in the area are presented by either the human or gnoll tribes. These are patrols of between 5-10 members of the tribe, plus a leader (for the gnolls this is typically 8 normal gnolls, and a flind. (Total CR is 7), while a normal human patrol is 10 riders (human warrior 2) and a lieutenant (human fighter 2) (Total CR is 6)).
One final possible person to run into is a half-elf diviner known simply as the Seer (LN Half-elf wizard (diviner) 12), who has foreseen that if the two sides do not reach a decision they’ll eventually wake up something that’s long slumbered underneath the ancient spring. What it is, he does not know (and it’s is left up to the GM to decide), but he keeps getting the phrase “death flies on shadowy wings, and where it shade falls, all shall perish.”
Once he realizes that the PCs are in the area, he’ll seek them out – even to spring them from prison – to help him stop the oncoming cataclysm. What he doesn’t know is that he has less than a month in which to stop it – and the 2 tribes are about a week’s ride apart, meaning that time is of the essence and that there is not much time to reconcile the 2 sides. And right in the middle of the 2 opposing sides, is the ancient spring, a natural place for a diplomatic gathering.