Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Finder’s Archives.
In this column, we take some of the lands from Magic: The Gathering and turn them into something you can use for your fantasy games.
The stats given in each entry assumes that you’re using Pathfinder for your games, but they can easily be converted over into any fantasy system. This week we have a visit with Auntie. Just don’t drink the tea.
Auntie’s Hovel
To understand Auntie’s Hovel is to understand Auntie. She is a goblin shaman, and the least of the daughters of Baba Yaga, as she is the offspring of the infamous witch herself, and a lowly goblin servant. Auntie is looked down upon by the other descendants of Baba Yaga, something which she resents greatly. Her hovel is her attempt to recreate her mother’s chicken hut, but instead of being a monument to her own greatness, it instead attracted goblin tribes to her side.
Lay of the Land
Auntie’s Hovel lies in the deepest darkest part of a great forest. The hovel is surrounded by goblin territory on all sides, tribes which regularly make trips with a tribute to “Agony Auntie” – usually in the form of trash, but occasionally to seek her advice on spiritual matters, such as spelling, reading, and information gathering. Auntie is that rare goblin who can read and write, and who (in Pathfinder terms) is not afraid of it costing her soul. She knows that she can handle the power, as she is Yaga’s daughter. If she has a soul to lose, surely her mother will retrieve it.
The areas around the forest suffer greatly from the goblin infestation. The goblins are more numerous here than pretty much anywhere else. Not only that, but they are also far more aggressive, as they are led by the “visions” of Auntie. In reality, she just has the smarts to realize where it would be best to strike to get the maximum amount of loot, with the minimum amount of infighting. But to the goblins, it is a magical ability.
Approaching Auntie’s Hovel means wading through miles and miles of goblin territory, likely facing harassment and attacks every step of the way, as the goblins are highly protective of their “Agony Auntie.” Once you get there, it is not any easier, though penetrating the hovel itself should be no problem. However, Auntie really IS the daughter of Baba Yaga, and she is far more dangerous than the goblins that surround her (in Pathfinder 1 terms, treat her as a goblin with 10 levels of shaman. For Pathfinder 2, treat her as a Lamia Matriarch, except she is a Small-sized Goblin instead of a Large-sized Beast. For 5th edition treat Auntie as an Aboleth, without the mucous cloud ability and instead of turning them into skum, her enslave ability turns the targets into a goblin).