Hi everyone and welcome back to Finder’s Archive. Since Halloween is a few days (or weeks depending on when you read this) in the past, and I took at horror gaming already, I thought I’d have a look at a few items that would be suitable to follow up with. Since Halloween is technically a pagan holiday, then I thought it would be appropriate to give a couple of new magic items, focused on ghosts and the fey.
Aura faint illusion and necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 12,210 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This short sword has a dull grey blade, whose surface is rough to the touch. A low murmur, like haunted voices, emanate from the sword when grasped.
3 times per day, as a free action, the wielder of this +1 short sword can designate a target with 30 feet. Spectral undead warriors will then rise from the ground and seemingly attack the target, causing it to be flanked for the wielder and any allies for the next round. (Will DC 17 negates. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.)
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cause fear, minor image; Cost 6,210 gp
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot head; Price 22,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This garland consists of spring flowers, shaped into a diadem, held together with silver thread.
When donned, the garlands provide the wearer with a degree of protection, similar to that enjoyed by fey creatures. When worn, the wearer gains a +4 resistance bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, as well as DR 5/cold iron.
Furthermore, the wearer gains a +4 on any Diplomacy checks made to increase the attitude of creatures with the fey subtype.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, protection from law, Cost 11,300 gp
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 13,200 gp; Weight — lbs
This dark shadow reflects its owner’s movement, copying them almost perfectly as if mocking the owner gently, and co-existing with the normal shadow.
When not equipped, desire’s dark shadow resembles a piece of dark velvet, shaped into a rough outline of a humanoid. Equipping it is a full round action, consisting of laying the cloth on a vertical surface, smoothing out any wrinkling and stepping onto it. It then attaches itself to the owner, functioning like a normal shadow, though not replacing the real one.
When equipped, desire’s dark shadow assist the wearer in all his endeavors, providing a +2 circumstance bonus to all skill checks and a +2 deflection bonus to armor class. However, if the character is not chaotic or evil, it will subtly influence the owner towards chaotic evil. If the wearer is engaged in an activity that violates their alignment, moving them closer to chaotic evil, the shadow will provide double the normal bonuses (+4 to skill checks and AC), and if the wearer is chaotic evil, the bonus is always doubled. The inverse is true as well, should the wearer be chaotic evil, and they perform goodly acts no bonuses to skills or AC are provided by the item.
Further, desire’s dark shadow is willful and independently minded. Whenever it provides the double bonus (unless the owner is chaotic evil), there is a 5% chance that desire’s dark shadow will transform into a shadowy copy of the wearer and attack them, with the same statistics and abilities as the owner. If this shadow is killed, desire’s dark shadow is destroyed. If the owner is killed by the shadow, it returns to its cloth form once more, ready for its next victim to find it.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect evil, shadow conjuration, creator must be evil; Cost 6,600 gp