Hello everyone, and welcome to the Finder’s Archives.
This time around, we finish what we started in Part 1 last week.
PLACES OF INTEREST: (continued from Market Row Part 1)
The Broken Tusk Inn is the oldest standing building in Market Row, a place for locals and newcomers to visit. It’s open at all hours and the drinks are cheap if a bit weak. It is not a place for anyone to want to sleep however, as the clientele will sometimes get a bit rowdy. While it’s the favourite watering hole of the locals, it is also the home of a small gang called the Children, one of the new, softer gangs, which are taking over Market Row. The Children themselves consist mostly of children and the shorter races like halflings and gnomes, and specialize in cat burglary within the walls of the metropolis itself, leaving the inhabitants of Market Row alone.
Iomedae’s Shrine in Market Row is mostly a pretty way of giving lip-service to The Inheritor. Here warriors of all stripes can buy absolution from any crimes that they might have committed or will commit, while in the war. The leader of the church, a somewhat unscrupulous man known as Asphon Dolmachis (LN male human cleric of Iomedae 2), believes that this service ensures that more soldiers will heed the call of the Lady of Valor, though visiting clergy have been known to violently disagree.
Zermon Crow (CE middle-aged male human rogue 7) is the founder and leader of the Scarlet Crow. Invested in everything from gambling, extortion, racketeering and murder, he was once at the pinnacle of Market Row, with everyone fearing him. However, his star is slowly fading, as younger forces make their bid for the underworld. He is not about to let this happen, and while his hair is now greying, his temper and his ambition are still as fierce as ever.
Valiant Maiden (NG female human? Vigilante 5) is the local angel of justice. Dressed in white, and with a facemask made of feathers, she strikes during the night, interfering with the most outrageous of crimes. Her weapon of choice, a rapier with an angel engraved on it, has scarred many gang members, and just as many gangers have bled to death at her feet. She is loved by locals and has given generously to children and the poor, during her exploits.
Nilli Berthens (CG female halfling rogue 5) is affectionately known as “Mini” by her followers. She is a kind-hearted soul, who’s taken in many orphans of all kinds, and helped bring them up. Some she’s taken into her gang, the Children, and others she has helped raise, only to see them strike out into the world, all with her blessing. Now she realizes however that it is time for her Children to take over from the Scarlet Crow and finally give Market Row some much-needed peace.
– Zermon Crow is making his bid for power and has captured a bunch of the Children, and intends to either trade them to Nilli or sell them off to a salver, thereby weakening the other gang.
– The authorities have finally had enough of Market Row and intend to make an example of the area. City guards, led by Captain Darfin Marks (LN male human fighter (Weapon Master) 6) are invading the small community and loot, pillage and burn all non-permanent buildings, uprooting many families.
– Myra believes she’s found her family, but they are not in the wars as she expected. Instead, they’ve been press-ganged into working on a ship docked in town, and now she intends to free them.