Hi everyone and welcome to the Finder’s Archives. Please take a seat while I tell you a story about how I became the very best like no one ever was.
Joking aside, I recently had this idea get stuck in my head that you could do Pokemon within the confines of both Pathfinder and Starfinder, so I decided to have a little play around with this idea. What I eventually concluded though is that… Well, Pokemon are actually a rather dangerous lot when you think about it. They’re not exactly harmless pets since some can breathe fire, electrocute you or worse.
So, since I thought it’d be fun to share this with you, I now give you a Starfinder version of Grimer. You don’t want to meet Muk.
Grimer CR 5 Combatant
N Medium outsider (fire)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura radiation (30 ft, DC 13)
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +9; Ref +7; Will +4
Defensive Abilities amorphous
Immunities fire, radiation; Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
Speed 30 ft.
Melee nuclear slam +15 (1d6+8 E & F, critical radiation sickness (DC 17)
Offensive Abilities natural weapons
Str +3; Dex +0; Con +5; Int +0; Wis +2; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +11, Survival +16
Languages Terran
Environment any, usually formerly high-tech
Organization solitary or fallout (see below)
Amorphous (Ex) The creature’s body is malleable and shapeless. It does not take double damage from critical hits, but it is affected by critical hit effects normally.
Natural Weapons (Ex) Natural weapons (and natural attacks), such as acid spit, bite, claw, or slam don’t require ammunition and can’t be disarmed or sundered.
Nuclear Slam (Ex) When critically hit by Grimer, the target must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be affected as if subjected to medium levels of radiation. The initial hit will send the target 1 step down the Constitution Poison track immediately.
Radiation Aura (Ex) Anyone within 30 feet of Grimer must make a DC 13 Fortitude save upon entering the aura’s area of effect, and every minute thereafter, or be affected as if by low level radiation.
Grimer is a slimy, amorphous blob-like Pokémon whose body was animated because of lunar X-rays. Its purple sludge body contains a variety of pungent bacteria, which are so potent that it renders soil barren and incapable of supporting plant life. It has two large eyes with beady pupils, and a gaping mouth with a gray tongue. While it lacks any visible legs, it does have two arms with three digits on each hand. It is constantly oozing a bacteria-rich fluid from all parts of its body. Pieces of it often break off during travel and go on to become new Grimer. When combined with another Grimer, it produces new poisonous compounds.
Due to its lack of a solid form, it is capable of squeezing into any space or crevices with relative ease. It uses this to penetrate sewage pipes so that it may feed off of the filthy waste water inside. Its population fluctuates based on the availability of waste. It can be found in polluted lakes and streams, as well as within cities and factories where trash and industrial waste can be found.
The above is all common knowledge to Pokemon hunters, but what is less well known is that Grimer was NOT animated due to lunar X-rays. It was caused by extreme levels of radiation near areas with portals (whether magical or mechanical), creating this strange lifeform to appear. Grimer is not aggressive unless provoked, but its mere presence can cause severe harm in other living beings, and as such, it is often chased away.
Grimers congregate in packs, known as a “fallout,” a loose family of the creatures that have banded together for companionship. Grimer has no known predators, though some sages speculate that Muk might, in fact, be one such predator, though this seems unlikely as there is a symbiotic relationship with the Grimers aspiring to grow together into a Muk (which usually takes at least 5 Grimers spending years together). Muks should be considered extremely dangerous and avoided at all cost, and Grimers should only be approached after donning appropriate protection.