Flerken (FATE & FATE Accelerated)

© 2019 Marvel Studios

A while back, I wrote Flerken stats for Mutants & Masterminds 3e and Genesys. (M&M stats, Genesys stats) Today, it’s high time to check out the Fate versions.

Flerken are a very, very rare sentient alien species, with an off-Earth reputation so scary that 99% of intelligent non-Earth Humans demand that “[Someone] shoot to kill and don’t ask questions!” upon sighting one. (The other 1% suggest that someone else capture it to sell for a fortune.) Earth natives–even experienced galactic travellers–are shocked by this attitude, having been lulled by the Flerken resemblance to the familiar pet cats of their homeworld.

But Flerken are not felines; they may not even be mammals, since only a handful of the most primitive mammals lay eggs. Flerken are also quite toxic, and even relatively mild wounds can result in loss of an eye or other body part. But these, and their sentience aren’t the most dramatic differences between Flerken and Cats. These unique creatures hold at least 1 pocket dimension in their mouth or stomach, which can result in many valuable things (or beings?) going missing. For good or ill…

FLERKEN (Supporting NPC)


High Concept–It’s NOT a Housecat!: Dangerous alien that appears to be a cat.
Trouble–Kill it NOW!: Intergalactic sentients fear the deadly flerken and usually insist they be shot on sight. (Out of a cannon, into the [nearest] sun)
Aspect–Belly of Holding: A flerken’s mouth conceals a fearsome array of tentacles that can grab items and drag them into a pocket dimension
Stunt–Vicious Claws: Once per session, may force a character to take a moderate consequence
Physical Stress: O O
Mental Stress:  O O
Mild Consequence: ________________________

FLERKEN (Supporting NPC)

FATE Accelerated

High Concept–It’s NOT a Housecat!: Dangerous alien that appears to be a cat.
Trouble–Kill it NOW!: Intergalactic sentients fear the deadly flerken and usually insist they be shot on sight. (Out of a cannon, into the [nearest] sun)
Aspect–Belly of Holding: A flerken’s mouth conceals a fearsome array of tentacles that can grab items and drag them into a pocket dimension
Stunt–Because I have Vicious Claws, once per session, I may place a Maimed aspect on an opponent
Careful–Average (+1)
Clever–Fair (+2)
Flashy–Mediocre (+0)
Forceful–Average (+1)
Quick–Good (+3)
Sneaky–Fair (+2)
1   2  3
2 MILD: ______________
4 MODERATE: _________________
6 SEVERE: _________________
Design & Play Notes: An Aspect was the easiest way to handle the Flerken’s internal pocket dimensions, as compared to the previous crunchy and narrative systems used for my previous write-ups. It allows for the flexibility this characteristic requires, and keeps what it can do firmly in the GM’s hands. The stunts to convey the nastiness of a Flerken scratch, were a little harder to figure out.
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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at GMLinda@d20radio.com