Force Wizard – Peerless Interception (Jedi Career Signature Ability)

“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force & Destiny Careers’ Signature Abilities. Today we end this iteration of Force Wizard with the singe Jedi career Signature Ability (SA), Peerless Interception (PI) from Collapse of the Republic.

From my first read-through of Collapse, I wanted a PC with this SA. (Someday…) It seems the pinnacle of lightsaber wielding. You do need ranks in Parry and/or Reflect to get use out of PI and having the Improved version/s is highly desirable, given that most of the upgrades require at least the base version of those talents. Note that if you want to attach this SA to Jedi General, by the time you get to that point, your PC will be gaining at least two auto-Conflict per session, as one of the “anchors” is Knowledge is Strength, and the fastest way to that talent is via Inspiring Kill, which is the other auto-Conflict talent in the tree. All that said, what do you get with PI?

The base SA allows you to activate PI as an out-of-turn incidental for two Destiny Points. Until the end of the second turn after a PC activates it, when using Parry/Reflect, damage is reduced by Parry or Reflect plus Force Rating. The tree is entered at one of the top two center upgrades, Increase Duration, which adds an additional turn to how long PI can be used. The single (10xp) Destiny upgrade is attached to the leftmost Increase Duration.

On the far right of the top tier is Critical Counter, one of three unique upgrades in the PI tree. Critical Counter requires Improved Parry and/or Reflect. When the PC uses one of those talents while PI is active, they may choose to not just spend a Despair to inflict a hit, but to inflict a critical hit.

Dropping straight down from Critical Counter is the singular Increase Frequency PI upgrade. This upgrade allows for activating PI a second time in an encounter. Attached to Increase Frequency’s left is Effortless Counter. While PI is active, the PC may use Improved Parry/Reflect to inflict a hit without spending even one Despair or Threat.

To the left of Effortless Counter is Activate Quality, referring to a weapon quality. You may activate a single item quality when using Parry or Reflect. Effects are based on spending the minimum Advantage.

The final bottom tier/15xp upgrade is Reduce Strain. For rounds when PI is active, only the first use of Parry/Reflect costs strain, meaning your lightsaber monkey can continue just like an intergalactic Energizer bunny.

What should you pick up? Increase Duration (one or both), Destiny, and Reduce Strain are high-value upgrades, since they can be used with only Parry/Reflect and reduce the amount of resources you have to spend when using PI. Activate Quality (which you will get on your way to Reduce Strain) and Effortless Counter are the best if you have the improved Parry/Reflect since you won’t have to spend narrative dice symbols to gain the effects. This is a pretty solid tree, so buy based on what abilities/effects your PC uses most.

I’ve enjoyed going through all the Force-related SAs with you. However, this isn’t the end. I will be covering some Force talents in the next stage of Force Wizard. Also, next week I will look at the other Collapse SA, Unmatched Teamwork, for the Clone Soldier, as a holiday special, if you will. Until then, may the Force be with you always!

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at