Force Wizard – Unmatched Destiny SA (Mystic Career)

“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force & Destiny Careers’ Signature Abilities.

Many Mystics seek to know and understand Destiny, what the Will of the Force is. For themselves. For their boon companions, chance allies, and even for those they deem enemies. This second Mystic Signature Ability (SA), Unmatched Destiny (UD) allows a Force user to affect Destiny directly, albeit only in a small way, and only in the very short term. But who is to say how far the ripples from calling on the Force this one time may go?

The Basic UD grants you a reroll on up to 2 Force dice (and only Force dice, NOT any of the narrative dice that might be in the pool) on a Force power check for 2 Destiny Points (DP). Be mindful that 2 Force dice is a maximum. If your Move check result is 1 Light pip/double Dark pips/double Light pips, you can choose to only reroll the die that came up double Dark.

UD is a once per session ability, without one or both Frequency upgrades (each 15XP). So you could use UD up to three times in a session. The single Destiny upgrade, in the top tier, has the usual effect. It drops the activation cost to one DP.

The last top tier/10XP upgrade is Shared Destiny. Analogous to the Shared Prophecy upgrade for the Prophecy SA, it allows the SA to work on someone else’s behalf. After a character within Short range of you makes a Force power check, you can activate UD to allow them a Force dice reroll. It’s subject to the same dice maximum. So if you have only the Basic UD, the Increase Number just below, and Shared Destiny, they could reroll up to three Force dice in their power check pool.

The Increase Number upgrades (two 10XP and one 15XP) increase by one the maximum number of Force dice you can reroll on a check. You may not want to buy more instances than necessary to equal your Force Rating (so you can reroll all Force dice, if the result was really sucky). After all, most PCs are only going to reach FR 3-4. The only reason I can see to buy the 15XP Increase Number is to access the third Frequency upgrade. And that’s not unreasonable for a Force Wizard PC.

There’s one last unique upgrade. Unleashed Power upgrade has equal, Balanced effects for both the Light and Dark sides. Every double Light pip rolled adds a single Light pip to the roll; every double Dark pip rolled adds a single Dark pip. This can be most welcome, IF it grants more pips you can use without flipping a Destiny Point (DP) and taking strain.

BUT for a Lightsider (Morality 30+) or Lightside Paragon, it can be a greater temptation to call on the Darkside — many extra Dark pips means your Force power is stronger, or might be the difference between succeeding or failing at whatever you’re trying to do. Because there is Balance, however, a result heavy with Light pips may be for a Fallen Force user a glimmer to lead them back to the Light — though that is a difficult, painful journey.

The Unmatched Destiny SA works well with any of the 6 specializations, assuming, of course, that you have bought into one or more Force powers. It may not be quite as fitting for Prophets as the Prophecy SA, which seems intended for that spec. But UD still works for a Prophet PC (especially if you don’t want the headaches that come with Prophecy). I think it also works well for Makashi Duelists. Most lightsaber specialists have a few Force powers as backup for their blades. Any of these upgrades are useful. At the least, I would pick up Basic, Increase Number (linked below Basic), Shared Destiny, and Unleashed Power (for the possible extra pips). If you want more upgrades, start with Destiny, then Frequency and/or a second Increase Number.

Unmatched Destiny is one of my favorite SAs, and not just because my longtime Seer, Zara, got quite a bit of use out of it. This is a very solid SA for Mystic PCs.

Coming up in May and June, the Seeker SAs from Savage Spirits. May the Force be with you always.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at