Force Wizard’s Got Talents – Exile and Emergent Force Talents (Part 1)

“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines.

Welcome to Force Wizard Phase III! This installment of “Force Wizard’s Got Talents” and the next are set up a little differently from my plan for most of the series, since there is a great deal of overlap among the Force talents in the Force-Sensitive Exile (EotE, p. 277) and Force-Sensitive Emergent (AoR, p. 293) talent trees. So I am doing two Exile & Emergent installments and covering all talents that appear in at least one of those trees in alphabetical order.


*Exile    ^Emergent

*^Balance (Unranked; 15-20XP) – You may add 1 Force die/FR to end-of-encounter checks to heal Strain. Heal +1 Strain per Light pip rolled. Be mindful, that while healing Strain is valuable, this is an expensive talent, since there is no quick and easy path to it in either tree. To reach it, you will have to go down one column and then go up or to the side. You’ll spend at least 105XP (Exile) or 70XP (Emergent) to buy Balance. In the other trees listed below, most of the paths will be simpler, however. Also: Ataru Striker/Seeker (F&D), Jedi Knight (Rise), Juyo Berserker/Warrior (KoF), Nightsister (CotR), Padawan Survivor (Dawn), Sage/Consular (F&D).

*^Force Rating (Ranked; 20-25XP) – This talent appears in every universal or career Force spec (with the exception of all but one “Lightsaber Form” spec), so is in all three Core Books. Let’s face it; you’re probably going to go for the additional FR no matter how much time or XP it takes. Because even Lightside Paragons love “Unlimited Powah!” Hot tips: Specs with 20XP cost: Pathfinder/Seeker, Navigator/Seeker, and Racer/Sentinel. Specs with two instances of FR: Sage/Consular, Seer/Mystic, and Hermit/Seeker. Niman Disciple/Consular is the only “Lightsaber Form” spec with FR.

*^Insight (Unranked; 5XP) – Low-cost talents that add two skills to your career skills list are a staple of universal specs, ensuring that, no matter a PC’s career spec/s, they can buy ranks in useful skills at the lowest cost. So a no-brainer, unless both skills are already on your list. This one makes Perception and Discipline career skills. Discipline is especially important for Force-users, especially if your EotE or AoR GM will allow you to buy F&D careers and/or Force powers later in the campaign.

^Invigorate (Unranked; 25XP) – This unique-to-Emergent talent aids an ally. It’s Short range and Incidental. When an ally makes a Brawn- or Agility-based check the wielder rolls a Force die. Each Light pip adds 1 Success and each Dark pip adds 1 Threat to the result of the ally’s check. Is it worth the 95XP to get it? I don’t think so, as there’s a greater chance of adding Threat than Success, since each Force die has seven sides with Dark pip/s.

*Overwhelm Emotions (Unranked; 10XP) – This FT is unique to Exile. Another FT where the cost appears less than it is due to the path going down, over, and back up. Add Force dice equal to wielder’s FR to Charm, Coerce, and Deception checks. The Light and Dark pips add either Success or Failure to the final result. Note that this talent can’t be used if the target of the check is immune to the Force. The full talent description on p. 141 (EotE) is needed to adjudicate check results, as it’s complex.
Charm: Each Light pip = +1 Success; every 2 Dark pips = +1 Failure.
Coerce & Deception: Each Dark pip = +1 Success; every 2 Light pips = +1 Failure

One final note: When buying any of these FTs from a universal talent tree, you’ll probably have to choose between them and the talents in your career spec/s.

Next month, we’ll finish with the Force talents that first appear in the Exile and Emergent trees. Until then, may the Force be with you!

AoR = Age of Rebellion
CotR = Collapse of the Republic
Dawn = Dawn of Rebellion
EotE = Edge of the Empire
FR = Force Rating
FT = Force Talent
KoF = Knights of Fate
Rise = Rise of the Separatists


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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at