“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Welcome back, padawans and disciples.
Coincidentally, all but one of the FTs we’re looking at today add 1+ Boost to either a particular skill check, or once/session Boost addition to any check. The exception, Sense Danger, is similar to the others but removes two Setback. All of these are solid choices, if a bit boring (compared to many talents, Force or not, in later sourcebooks.) As I noted in Part 1, when buying these from Universal trees, you have to balance their usefulness with that of talents in your career specialization/s, since you do have a limited amount of XP.
AoR = Age of Rebellion
Dawn = Dawn of Rebellion
DoH = Disciples of Harmony
EV = Endless Vigil
EotE = Edge of the Empire
F&D = Force and Destiny
FR = Force Rating
FT = Force Talent
KtP = Keeping the Peace
KoF = Knights of Fate
Rise = Rise of the Separatists
Sav = Savage Spirits
Sense Danger (Unranked; 5-20XP)
- Once/session remove 2 Setback from any single check.
- This is an Active talent.
- Also Available In: Jedi Padawan (Rise), Seer/Mystic (F&D), Teacher/Consular (DoH), Warleader/Guardian (KtP).
Sense Emotions (Unranked; 5-10 XP)
- You add 1 Boost to Charm, Coerce, and Deception checks.
- This is a Passive talent.
- This talent doesn’t work on beings immune to the Force.
- Exile (EotE) tree only.
- Also Available In: Advisor/Mystic (F&D), Arbiter/Consular (DoH), Force-Sensitive Outcast (Rise), Jedi Knight (Rise), Niman Disciple/Consular (F&D).
Sleight of Mind (Ranked; 5-20XP)
- For each instance, you buy, add 1 Boost to Stealth checks.
- This is a Passive talent.
- Sleight of Mind doesn’t work when the opposition is immune to the Force.
- While both instances are 10XP, reaching the second will cost a total of 80XP, due to the path, so gaining that second Boost is unlikely to be worth the cost.
- Emergent (AoR) tree only.
- Also Available In: Padawan Survivor (Dawn), Pathfinder/Seeker (F&D), Sentry/Sentinel (EV), Shadow/Sentinel (F&D).
Touch of Fate (Unranked; 15-20XP)
- Once/session, add 2 Boost to the dice pool on any one check.
- This is an Active talent.
- This FT works similar to Sense Danger.
- Also Available In: Starfighter Ace/Warrior (F&D).
Uncanny Reactions (Ranked; 5-20XP)
- Add one Boost/rank to all Vigilance checks.
- This is a Passive talent.
- An easy way to better Initiative checks, among others.
- Also Available In: Force-Sensitive Outcast (Rise), Padawan Survivor (Dawn), Hunter/Seeker (F&D), Seer/Mystic (F&D), Sentry/Sentinel (EV).
Uncanny Senses (Ranked; 5-15XP)
- Add one Boost/rank to all Perception checks.
- This is a Passive talent.
- Also Available In: Force-Sensitive Outcast (Rise), Hunter/Seeker (F&D), Investigator/Sentinel (EV), Navigator/Seeker (Sav), Warleader/Guardian (KtP).