Force Wizard’s Got Talents – Part 13: Ataru Striker, Executioner and Hunter Specializations)

“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Welcome back, padawans and disciples. In Part 13, we look at the remaining Seeker career Force talents, from three specializations: Ataru Striker (F&D), Hunter (F&D), & Executioner (Sav) .

F&D = Force and Destiny
FR = Force Rating
FT = Force Talent
Sav = Savage Spirits


Ataru Technique (Unranked; 10XP)

  • Unique to Ataru Striker spec.
  • This is a Passive Talent.
  • Every “Lightsaber Form” spec has its own Technique FT, allowing the Force user to substitute a specific Characteristic for Brawn.
  • For Ataru Striker, it’s Agility.

Hawkbat Swoop (Unranked; 20XP)

  • Unique to Ataru Striker spec.
  • This is an Active talent (Action).
  • Make a Lightsaber (Agility) combat check, adding Force dice < your FR to the pool.
  • The target must be a single character within Short range.
  • Before success or Failure is resolved, spend 1 Force pip to Engage the target immediately (Incidental). You may also choose to spend 1 Force pip to add 1 Advantage to the final check result.
  • If you are unable to move to engage your target, the attack is an automatic failure.
  • “Take my XP!” Ataru Striker is a very acrobatic and dramatic (but a different “dramatic” from Makashi Duelist) Lightsaber Form and Hawkbat Swoop shows off those qualities. Plus the acrobatics let you get up close and personal without spending a Maneuver, as well as possibly inflicting a Critical Injury or other effect, if you opt to spend Force pip/s for additional Advantage.

Saber Swarm (Unranked; 20XP)

  • Unique to Ataru Striker spec.
  • This is an Active talent (Maneuver).
  • Take 1 Strain to use Saber Swarm maneuver.
  • The PC’s next Lightsaber combat check gains the Linked weapon quality.
  • Linked Ranks are equal to the character’s FR.
  • “Take my XP! Now!” This doesn’t just increase the amount of damage your PC can inflict, via the Linked quality — it demands flashy descriptions, just like the Hawkbat Swoop. And of course, you’re going to buy both FTs, because why would you take the Ataru Striker specialization if you weren’t all about flashy, bouncing off the walls (and everything else) combat?


Essential Kill (Unranked; 25 XP)

  • Unique to Executioner spec.
  • This is a Passive talent.
  • Read the “fine print,” not just the tree’s box, for this FT. The text (Sav, p. 30) is very specific on a couple points (bolded below) – moreso than many other talents that add narrative results to a check.
  • Usable with all combat checks except Gunnery or any starship weapon.
  • Add Force dice < your FR to the combat check pool.
  • Spend 1 Force pip to add 1 Advantage to the result. You may not spend the added Advantage/s to regain Strain.
  • Spend 3 Force pips to add 1 Triumph to the result.
  • It is the player’s choice on how the Force pip/s are spent.
  • A solid choice, even with the restriction on how to spend the extra Advantage, since it costs nothing, aside from the committed Force die/dice. It ups your chances of triggering a weapon quality or Critical Injury, which is probably more valuable than regaining a few Strain.

Marked for Death (Unranked; 20 XP)

  • Unique to Executioner spec.
  • This is an Active Talent (Maneuver).
  • Select 1 target and commit 1 Force die, to add 2 Advantage to combat checks against the chosen target.
  • You may not spend these added Advantages to regain Strain.
  • This FT cannot be used again until the target is incapacitated or until the session ends. Note that the text (Sav, p. 30) says, “…until the character uncommits the [Force die], the original target is incapacitated, or the session ends” while the box doesn’t include uncommitting the die. I go with the text in these cases, but whichever way you decide, GMs, let your players know when they are considering Marked for Death.
  • It’s very rare to get 2 Advantage with no chance of taking Conflict and Strain, so this is a must have, even though you might get as few as one use per session, which isn’t uncommon for higher-cost talents.

Terrifying Kill (Unranked; 20 XP)

  • Unique to Executioner spec.
  • This is an Active Talent (Maneuver).
  • This is an Auto-Conflict Talent.
  • Spend 1 Destiny Point to use this Maneuver.
  • When you have incapacitated a target, or inflicted a Critical Injury on them, roll Force dice < your FR.
  • Spend 1 Force pip to inflict 1 Stain on all other characters within Short range of the target, and may do so multiple times. The orginal target doesn’t take the Strain from Terrifying Kill.
  • The only downside to buying this FT is the auto-Conflict you receive at the start of each session. Depending on your PC’s outlook and the story you are telling about them, this may not be a bad thing.


Intuitive Shot (Unranked; 25 XP)

  • Unique to Hunter spec.
  • This is a Passive talent.
  • Works with Ranged (Heavy) and Ranged (Light) combat checks.
  • Add Force dice < your FR to the combat check pool.
  • Spend resulting Force pips to add Success/es or Advantage/s (your choice) to the results, on a one to one basis.
  • Spend however many pips, Light and/or Dark, you wish. This is subject to the usual rules for spending Force pips. (F&D, pp. 280-281).
  • Excellent FT that simulates how the Force can make you a better shot, just as it makes others better lightsaber masters.
  • Worth the 25XP since Intuitive Shot adds Force dice to all your Ranged (Heavy) and Ranged (Light) checks, without any additional cost. (Except for Force dice committed to other abilities, of course.)

In Part 14 we’ll look at the F&D Shadow specs, Artisan, Shadow & Shien Expert . Until then, may the Force be with you always, padawans and disciples.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at