“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Greetings, padawans and disciples. Today in Part 18, we finish the Jedi FTs with the General and Master FTs from Collapse of the Republic.
Coll = Collapse of the Republic
F&D = Force and Destiny
FT = Force Talent
RAW = Rules as written
Rise = Rise of the Separatists
Note: There are two optional rules relating to creating Jedi PCs. One allows them to start at FR2. With GM permission, a player may spend 30 starting XP to increase their FR from 1 to 2 (sidebar, Coll, p. 17). Be mindful that you will then have only 70-80XP to spend on Characteristics, Skills, and Talents, depending on the PC’s species.
The other is Heroic Level Play (Sidebars, Rise, p.7 and Coll, p.7). This is much like Knight-level play from F&D. The player gains 150XP to spend on anything except Characteristics as well as 9,000 credits for additional gear.
Note: Two of the unique General FTs are Auto-Conflict. As I noted in my Jedi Career overview, these Auto-Conflict FTs drive home how the ascendant Dark Side is corrupting individual Jedi who are just following the Council’s edict to become warleaders: “‘The Darkness clouds’ not just visions, but your own path since you can’t reach the JG Dedication instance &/or the Jedi Sig Ability [Peerless Interception] without buying at least Knowledge is Power.”
Exemplar of the Republic (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the General spec.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental).
- When making a Mass Combat check, PC may add Force dice < their FR to the pool.
- Force pip/s may be spent (1 to 1 basis) to add Success or Advantage, player’s choice, to the result.
- The PC must be either the “acting commander or [taking] a prominent role on the battlefield” to use Exemplar FT. “Prominent role” would be a GM call but that should be a low bar for a PC.
- Exemplar is only usable if the GM plans on having Mass Combat. The GM should let players know if they don’t intend to use those rules. Being in the bottom right slot of the General tree, the FT is easy to skip.
- Mass Combat mechanics can be found on pp. 10-11 of Age of Rebellion: Friends Like These.
Inspiring Kill (Unranked; 20XP)
- Unique to the General spec.
- This is an Auto-Conflict FT.
- This is an Active FT (Maneuver).
- This FT may only be used immediately after a successful attack by the PC, in which the target is incapacitated or suffers a Critical injury.
- Flip 1 Destiny Point immediately and then roll Force dice < FR.
- Spend 1 Force pip and heal 2 Strain for allies within Medium range.
- May do so multiple times if there are Force pips to spend.
- Since Critical Injuries are fairly common, this FT will get a lot of use.
Knowledge Is Strength (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the General spec.
- This is an Auto-Conflict FT.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental).
- Usable once/session.
- When making a check, add ranks in Knowledge: Warfare to your Force Rating “for the duration of the check.”
- I am not overly impressed by this talent. It would seem most useful when making Force power checks, however. And of course, if you really want that Dedication or Peerless Interception, take it.
Preemptive Intervention (Unranked; 15XP)
- Unique to the General spec.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental, out-of-turn).
- Requires spending a Destiny Point.
- When an opponent engages an ally within Short range of the PC, the PC may immediately engage the opponent themselves.
- Hopefully forces the opponent to focus on you and not your ally. Handy if your ally is weaker than the opponent, incapacitated, etc.
Bound Together (Unranked; XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is an Active FT (Maneuver).
- Range: Short (for allies).
- Duration: Until the end of the PC’s next turn.
- Strain suffered involuntarily by the PC, or allies within Short range, is reduced by the current number of Lightside Destiny Points.
- A very useful FT.
Flows Through All Things (Unranked; 15XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is an Active FT (Maneuver).
- Usable once/round.
- PC recovers Strain equal to FR.
- An inexpensive and very useful FT.
- Heals Strain regardless of whether it was voluntary or involuntary.
Master of the Order (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental).
- May spend 2 Destiny Points during a single action.
- Represents both a Master’s power and their closeness to the Force.
Powerful Ally (Unranked; 20XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental).
- Requires spending a Destiny Point.
- Option 1: Use the basic version of a Force power you do not possess.
- OR Option 2: If you have a given Force power, you may apply a Control upgrade you do not possess to its basic version.
- Per RAW, you can’t apply an unpurchased upgrade of any other sort with Option 2.
- A Must Have FT, moreso as you can use it as often as you can take actions.
- Another talent that works with my favorite FT, The Force Is My Ally, also available in this tree, if you don’t already have it.
Supreme Center of Being (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is a Passive FT.
- Center of Being now affects an opponent’s Ranged weapons as well as Melee weapons.
- The Ranged weapon’s Critical Rating is considered 1 higher when attacking the PC. So an opponent using a Light Blaster Pistol would need 5 Advantage to trigger a Critical Injury on a Master with this FT.
There Is No Try (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the Master spec.
- This is an Active (Incidental, out-of-turn) FT.
- Once/session.
- Must be used before the check is made.
- Flip a Destiny Point and your ally succeeds at the skill check automatically.
- Result is considered 1 Success, and nothing else.
- For when the Fate of the Galaxy depends upon your friend making that shot or getting the hyperdrive in gear.
Next time, I don the robes of a Force Wizard for the last time. I will look at FTs created for the Nightsister and Force-sensitive Outcast Universal Specializations. May the Force be with you always, padawans and disciples, until our final collegium.