“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines. Greetings, padawans and disciples. This is the Final installment of Force Wizard’s Got Talents and covers the Universal specializations Nightsister (Coll) and Force-sensitive Outcast (Rise). The remaining Universal Force-using spec, Padawan Survivor (Dawn of Rebellion), has no FTs that weren’t covered previously.
Coll = Collapse of the Republic
F&D = Force and Destiny
FT = Force Talent
RAW = Rules as written
Rise = Rise of the Separatists
Renegade Form (Unranked; 15XP)
- Unique to the Outcast spec.
- This is a Passive FT.
- The PC may choose to replace Brawn with any single other characteristic when making Lightsaber checks.
- Works just like the “___ Form” FT found in most “Lightsaber form” career specs from F&D.
Ravage (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the Outcast spec.
- This is an Auto-Conflict FT.
- This is an Active FT (Incidental).
- Once/encounter.
- Take 3 Strain to add Force dice < FR to a combat check against an Engaged opponent.
- Spend Force pips to add Success or Advantage to the result – player’s choice.
- A pretty good talent, although the Strain cost is pricey. However it is once/encounter, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to recover the Strain once that encounter ends.
Note: Unlike other Force-sensitive career and universal specs, a PC doesn’t get FR 1 for free, when they buy into the Nightsister spec. Instead your PC gains Discipline, Knowledge: Lore, Stealth, and Survival as additional career skills. You must buy the 5XP Witchcraft talent (upper left corner of the tree) to gain FR 1 (if you don’t already have it).
Coven (Unranked; 20XP)
- Unique to the Nightsister spec.
- This is an Active FT (Maneuver).
- Range: Short.
- Usable on the character’s next Force power check.
- For each ally possessing the Coven FT and within Short range, the character may reroll 1 Force die.
- Situational, due to the need for close-by allies with the same FT.
- Very useful for a GM to give Nighstsister NPCs during adventures on Dathomir.
- If your PC is a Nightsister who is off-world (or estranged from her people) it will be of little use – unless you teach fellow PCs your ways.
- On the other hand, Coven is in the most direct and least costly path to the Nightsister Force Rating instance: Witchcraft > Sense Advantage > Balance > Coven > Force Rating (75XP).
Ichor Reserve (Unranked; 25XP)
- Unique to the Nightsister spec.
- This is an Active FT (Maneuver).
- Once/session.
- Duration: Until the end of the scene or encounter. Your GM’s call as to what a single scene is.
- Take 2 Strain to increase your PC’s FR by 1.
- It’s the GM’s call whether/when your PC must return to Dathomir to replenish ichor.
This piece marks the end of my time as the Gamer Nation’s own Force Wizard. When I wrote the first one back in January of 2019, I never dreamed it would last 4 plus years! You see, I didn’t plan on doing more than the Force powers, which are still one of my favorite aspects of playing a Force-sensitive PC. It’s been a lot of fun, but it is also time to retire from the office. I’ve very much enjoyed writing these and I think I’ve learned a few things. Hopefully, you all have as well. May the Force be with you always, padawans and disciples, on your individual journeys.