“Force Wizard’s Got Talents” is my series on the Force talents, from all of the FFG Star Wars lines.
Welcome back, padawans and disciples. In Parts 6, 7, and 8 we’re studying the FTs for the Guardian career from Force and Destiny and Keeping the Peace. Today, in Part 8, we cover KtP’s Warden and
Warleader specializations.
Part 6: F&D Guardian specializations
Part7: KtP’s Armorer specialization
Coll = Collapse of the Republic
EV = Endless Vigil
F&D = Force and Destiny
FR = Force Rating
FT = Force Talent
KtP = Keeping the Peace
Baleful Gaze (Unranked; 20 XP)
- Unique to Warden spec.
- This is an auto-Conflict talent.
- This is an Active talent (Out-of-turn Incidental).
- Your attacker must be within Medium range.
- When targeted by an enemy’s combat check, spend 1 Destiny Point to upgrade the check a number of times equal to your Coercion skill ranks.
No Escape (Unranked; 15 XP)
- Unique to Warden spec.
- This is a Passive talent.
- Usable any number of times per session.
- Your enemy must be within Short range.
- When making a Coercion check against one enemy, spend 2 Advantage to force them to lose the free Maneuver on their next turn.
- Alternately, may spend 2 Threat from a Fear check made by one enemy, to force them to lose the free Maneuver on their next turn. (Note that tree entry says “Discipline check,” not “Fear check,” while the text on p. 30 says “Fear check.” It is pretty clear this means only Discipline checks made to resist Fear. See the Fear entry in F&D (p.326).
Sense Advantage (Unranked; 10 – 20 XP)
- Also: Advisor (F&D); Agressor (F&D); Investigator (EV); Seer (F&D).
- This is an Active talent (Out-of-turn Incidental).
- Once/session, add 2 Setback to an NPC’s skill check, if they are within Extreme range.
- There’s not much to say about Sense Advantage beyond, “Buy it!” My Mystic PC had this and got a lot of use out of it.
Forewarning (Unranked; 5 or 15 XP)
- Also: Seer (F&D); Jedi Master (Coll).
- This is an Active (Action) talent.
- Due to the way Forewarning works, it is in effect a once/encounter Action.
- Affects all your allies who are within Medium range.
- Take the Forewarning Action to increase all allies’ Melee and Ranged Defense by an amount equal to your FR, until they take their first turn during an encounter.
- To get the most bang for the credit – that is, buff the most allies – your party must let you act first with Forewarning. This might be before the negotiations get aggressive (or treacherous!) in a social encounter or by giving you the first PC slot in Round 1 of a combat encounter.
- Forewarning won’t be much use if the Initiative order has most/all the PC slots near the top.
Prescient Shot (Unranked; 15 XP)
- Unique to Warleader spec.
- This is a Passive Talent.
- Add 1 Boost die to all Ranged (light) checks.
- Don’t add if the target is immune to Force powers.
- Adding a Boost die to most Ranged (light) checks makes this a must-have FT for Warleaders. (It’s the equivalent of an Aim without using your Maneuver!)
- Prescient Shot might make Warleader a good starting spec if you want to play a Force user who prefers ranged weapons, and/or is based on old Expanded Universe organizations like the Gray Paladins or the Blazing Chain.
Prophetic Aim (Unranked; 25 XP)
- Unique to Warleader spec.
- This is a Passive talent.
- When Aiming (using the Aim Maneuver), Despair cannot be spent to hit any of your allies who are Engaged with your intended target.
- Only usable with Ranged (light) and Ranged (heavy) combat checks. Attacks with Gunnery still risk you hitting a friend due to a Despair result.
In September, Part 9 is a look at the Force talents in some of my favorite specs in the line – the first three Mystic specs presented in F&D. Until then, may the Force be with you always, padawans and disciples.