While I went to work (we need money for RPG books, you know), my dear husband Mark got to run a game at our FLGS’s Free RPG Day 2021. He was able to pick up many of the freebies as a GM and shared them with me.
The best of these was indeed the WizKidz D&D Frameworks Grim Cottage. It is a beautiful set piece. In fact, it looks quite pretty when the Hag isn’t lurking in the front yard. Yes, I was right that it comes with a metal Hag mini. Mark pointed out that the Hag comes with a few small accessories such as cauldron and potion, so you can customize the look a bit.
Paizo had two modules with prevent PCs, one for each of its flagship lines, Pathfinder and Starfinder. “Threshold of Knowledge” is an adventure with Level 1 magic students looking for a missing teacher. “The Starfinder Four Vs. the Hardlight Harlequin” is intended for Level 4 characters. If you think Hardlight Harlequin sounds like the name of a videogame boss or comic book villain, you might be pretty close, judging from the introduction.
Modiphius Entertainment has a good track record with RPGs of well-known IPs and novels. For the Day, they present an adventure for the Dune RPG, “Wormsign.” From the blurbs of the pregens and what I recall of the original novel, the module is set before the events of the Frank Herbert novel. Mechanics will be familiar to anyone who has played Star Trek Adventures.
As I mentioned in my earlier article, I felt a little disappointed that Green Ronin choose to showcase its “romantic fantasy” RPG with a module I know has been available for a while. I was wrong. This is a large and beautiful treatment of the adventure. The pregen write ups really helped me understand how the complex families work in the setting. All the PCs are members of a typical family related by various combos of blood, marriage, adoption, and more. This is the intro you need if your curious about the Blue Rose setting.
That’s all for Part 1. Next week, I will cover the rest of the cool goodies.
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Linda Whitson
Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog.
Linda can be reached at GMLinda@d20radio.com