Dismantler Droids were popular throughout the galaxy for their ability to efficiently salvage nearly any technology and turn whatever was left into scrap, as well as defend any outpost or junk world they were assigned to. Due to their hazardous mission, they featured a nearly indestructible umbrella-shaped shell, four stable crab-like legs, repulsorlift drives, and electrified pincers outfitted with saws and industrial flame projectors. They were heavily restricted due to their combat applications.
Dismantler Droid [Rival]
Brawn: 5 Agility: 1 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 1 Presence: 1
M/R Defense: 2/2
Soak Value: 8
Wound Threshold: 16
Skills: Gunnery 2, Melee 2, Mechanics 1, Perception 2, Vigilance 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid, Repulsorlift Locomotion, Silhouette 2.
Equipment: Electrified Grasping Claws (Melee; Damage 7; Critical 4; Range (Engaged); Disorient 2, Stun 3), Built-In Buzz Saw (Melee; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range (Engaged); Sunder, Vicious 2), Built-In Industrial Flamethrower (Gunnery; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range (Short); Burn 4, Blast 8, Breach 1, Slow-Firing).
Cost: 23,600 (R)/6.
Where do they fit into your campaign?
- As guards/adversaries on any of the Galaxy’s “Junk Planets” such as Lotho Minor or Raxus Prime.
- As sentries/laborers at any Imperial industrial facility, as seen on Star Wars Rebels.
- Due to their close ties with the Empire (and the nature of their work) the Mining Guild could be using Dismantler Droids to defend and work their various mining enterprises.
- A group of Rebels could be tasked with stealing and reprogramming a shipment of Dismantlers to be used as sentries for an Alliance base.
- Perhaps a group of pirates has repurposed a stolen shipment to use as boarders, stripping ships of anything valuable, leaving only the gutted space-frames floating in their wake.