Galaxy Guide – Fringe Threats: Binayre Pirate Gang

Artwork © Fantasy Flight Games

Fringe Threats is an ongoing series of articles where I will present fully fleshed out characters to throw at your party in place of generic bounty hunters/pirates/scoundrels. These profiles will include plot hooks, game stats, tactics, personality traits, sample quotes, etc. I hope that these characters will serve as set pieces that a GM can drop into their game, fully-formed and ready for play.

Binayre Pirates

The Binayre Pirates were a band of pirates and smugglers led by Kath Scarlet that operated within the Corellian sector before and during the Galactic Civil War. Even among pirates and smugglers, the Binayre are considered scum. The core members of the pirate crew cut their teeth as swoop gangers on the streets of Corellia and are consequently willing to kill, steal, and betray to hold onto the limited wealth and luxury they have acquired.

The crew is a motley collection of species, but all are decent pilots and practiced killers. However, Kath is undoubtedly the brains and talent behind their success, and they all know it. As a result, she commands great loyalty among the gang, making her possibly the only one in the galaxy who these ruffians wouldn’t stab in the back.

Kath Scarlet

Kath Scarlet, leader of the Binayre Pirates.
Artwork by Rafal Szlapa.

Background: Kath Scarlet is the captain of the Binayre Pirates, a small band of pirates operating in the Corellian Sector after the rise of the Empire. She earned her position of power by elevating the Binayre from a small-time swoop gang in the slums of Corellia to a full-fledged pirate organization. Her group has since grown significantly in size, but are still poorly regarded – even among the galactic underworld. This is due primarily to Kath’s reputation as an utterly ruthless pirate, double-crossing her employers and allies without a second thought when the credits are right. Her brazen and backstabbing approach to business is the responsible for the Binayre’s rapid rise to power but may also lead to its early demise.

Personality: Kath projects what she thinks of as a rakish air – reckless, vicious, and impertinent. However, beneath her audacious front lies a cunning and treacherous mind. Scarlet grew up in the worst areas of Coronet City on Corellia and feels entirely justified in taking nearly any action, no matter how nefarious, to ensure she keeps what little status she has amassed. She is capable of clever planning and isn’t afraid to bite off more than she can chew if she believes the reward outweighs the risks.

Tactics: Under Scarlet’s leadership, the Binayre mainly focus on hitting lightly guarded or unarmed ships throughout the Corellian Sector. Her starships and supplies are precious, and she won’t risk them unless the potential rewards are worth it. Intent on squeezing every last bit of profit from each prize, Scarlet often steals and fences both the ship and its cargo and has even been known to sell the target’s crew into slavery. This brutal and mercenary approach has given her a bad reputation, even among other pirate crews.

Binarye Pirate Fleet

The Bloodletter: Kath’s personal ship, stolen from a CorSec impound lot. It was this ship that allowed the Binayre to elevate themselves from scraping out an existence as a swoop gang on the streets of Corellia. Kath has upgraded the ship’s firepower and shielding and has removed the prisoner berths in favor of seating for a small boarding crew.

Binayre Z-95 Headhunters: The Binayre have a flight of four Z-95s at their disposal, which only their best pilots are allowed to fly. The ships have had their missile tubes replaced with a pair of ion cannons, as they could rarely acquire ammunition for them. Additionally, the pirates have neither the facilities or supplies to properly maintain four military-grade starfighters, and as a result, they are not operating at peak performance.

Kor’s Folly: The Folly is named after the ship’s ill-fated former captain who tried to make a stand against the Binayre and was air-locked for his trouble. This modified C-ROC Gozanti freighter has been modified to serve as the pirate crew’s mobile base of operations and docking facility for their small fleet of starfighters.

PDF of Stats and Profiles

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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.