Galaxy Guide – Fringe Threats: Fohlg, Journeyman Hunter

Fringe Threats is an ongoing series of articles where I will present fully fleshed out characters to throw at your party in place of generic bounty hunters/pirates/scoundrels. These profiles will include plot hooks, game stats, tactics, personality traits, sample quotes, etc. It is my hope that these characters will serve as set pieces that a GM can drop into their game, fully-formed and ready for play.

There really is a story behind everything in Star Wars. I always liked the art of D. Alexander Gregory and especially liked the work he did for WotC’s d20 Star Wars line. His character illustrations were always inspiring, and I always wanted to do something with the Quarren bounty hunter. Turns out he got named in a WotC online article and got a smidgen of backstory – which I have thus expanded. Fohlg is a minor-leagues bounty hunter just trying to make a living in the galaxy. He can provide some interesting roleplaying opportunities for PCs as he is just as likely to take a bribe as fire a blaster. He is a great fit if you are looking for back and forth double and triple crosses, like the notable examples in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Art by D. Alexander Gregory/WotC

Fohlg, Journeyman Hunter

Background: A veteran of the Clone Wars campaigns on his homeworld, Fohlg worked in private security in the years after the annexation of Dac by the Empire. As the Empire grew more xenophobic, he found himself struggling to find work and after a few years of scraping together a living, Fohlg turned to bounty hunting. He primarily works along the Perlimian Trade Route but has been known to take the occasional foray into Hutt Space now that he has acquired his own small starship.

Personality: Fohlg is gruff and deliberate, even by Quarren standards. His frequent, resigned sighs encapsulate the apparent entirety of his emotional range – whether dealing with a spilled drink or a deadly blaster fight. He is pragmatic and has been known to take a payoff from his quarry to abandon the hunt (though he will often tip off other hunters shortly after for an additional finder’s fee). He isn’t concerned with honor or glory, he just want to make a living – if he can turn a profit without a fight, so much the better.

Tactics: Fohlg is a competent hunter, falling back on the ambushes and straight-forward combat tactics of his days in the military. He generally tries to attack from cover with the element of surprise, lobbing a stun grenade before opening up with blaster fire (all while taking full advantage of his Ambush talent). However, he does have a few tricks up his sleeve, including his natural ink spray and his carbine’s underslung electronet launcher. He will flee or try and negotiate for a payoff if he finds he is outmatched, likely selling out the PCs at the first opportunity (or even using the bribe to hire a few toughs to help him try and even the odds!)

PDF of Stats and Profile

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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.


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