Masters in Exile is an ongoing series of articles where I will present fully fleshed out characters to fill the roll of master for the Jedi in your party. These profiles will include plot hooks, game stats, optional house rules, personality traits, sample quotes, and character development paths. It is my hope that these characters will serve as set pieces that a GM can dropping into their game, fully-formed and ready for play.
In Part I, we looked at Yotho Adon, an Ithorian purveyor of exotic goods and acolyte of the Ithorian Oracles. Should she take up training your party or PC, consider using the following Force Tradition in place of the standard master benefit from the FaD Core Rulebook and the information on her home, the Herdship Bazaar.
Force Tradition: Ithorian Mysticism
Background: Ithorians maintain a closer connection to the Force then most species in the galaxy. Their world is rich with life, and has not been exploited in the way that many worlds have. Due to their deeply ingrained connection to nature and reverence of life, many Ithorians feel a profound connection to the Force (though few have a connection strong enough to wield it).
Those few practitioners of Ithorian mysticism gifted with such strong connections are typically referred to as “high-priests” and “oracles” depending on their their calling. Priests tend to assume roles of leadership and learning within their herd communities and on the homeworld, leading other followers of the religion and maintaining their herdship’s and homeworld’s delicate ecosystems.
Oracles are typically those who are particularly connected to the Force and are called to it at a young age. They also train outside of the standard religion, often living as hermits and practicing self-exploration rather than meticulous study. Regardless of their calling, both paths share an abhorrence to violence and most are strict pacifists. Their view is that they worship the Force, a field created by all living thing things; killing or injuring one of those lifeforms serves only to diminish the Force as a whole and therefore must be avoided.
Benefit: Reduce the cost to purchase all Control upgrades to the Ebb/Flow, Foresee, or Sense power by 5 to a minimum of 5.
Drawback (15 XP): Any Conflict generated by performing violent acts generates an additional 2 Conflict. If the character engages in any violent actions during an encounter, including violent actions that would not normally generate Conflict, such as self defense, the character generates 2 Conflict at the end of the encounter.
Ithorian Herdship Bazaar
Most Ithorians, including Yotho, live and travel aboard massive vessels called “herdships” designed to serve as living space, intergalactic transportation, and cultural/economic trade hubs for the Ithorian species. In addition to all this, each ship hosts a self-contained ecosystem of plant and animal life transplanted from their native world. These ships are incredible feats of engineering and innovation and represent the work of centuries or even millennia of Ithorian’s working together. The vessels all follow roughly the same roughly hemispherical format, but beyond that each ship varies dramatically. It is unknown if they were all constructed slightly differently or the differences are due to centuries of modification and use by their respective herds. The Bazaar moved through the Outer Rim Territories between the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine. It was most famous for its open design and the vast markets and villages that give it its name.
Sil 8; Speed 1; Handling -3; Def 3/3/3/3 Armor 5
Hull Trauma 180; System Strain 60
Hull Type/Class: Mobile Trade Station / Ithorian Herdship.
Manufacturer: Ithorian SkyYards.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 4, Backup: Class 18.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Long.
Ships Complement: 3,000.
Starship Complement: Four landing fields each holding up to eight ships up to silhouette 4, or two of silhouette 5.
Encumbrance Capacity: 20,000.
Passenger Capacity: 10,000+ passengers.
Consumables: Ten years.
Price/Rarity: Not available for sale / 8.
Customization Hard Points: 2.
- Five Forward, Five Aft, Five Port, and Five Starboard Heavy Laser Batteries (Fire Arc: Forward, Aft, Port, or Starboard; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)
- Four Heavy Tractor Beam Emitters (Fire Arc:Forward, Aft, Port, or Starboard; Damage: -; Critical: -; Range [Medium]; Tractor 6)
Additional Rules: Massive 3: When making an attack targeting this starship, the critical rating of any weapons used counts as 3 higher.
Other Herdships:
- Ithor Wanderer travels the galaxy spanning Hydian Way, taking an entire year to go from one end to another. (Plot hook: an entire campaign could be run on this vessel, spanning the entire trip and the hundreds of worlds in between).
- Mother Ithor skirting boundaries of Hutt Space, the Tion Cluster, and CSA trading with the all worlds between. It has become well known for occasionally crossing those borders to provide aid and relief to those oppressed and beleaguered worlds. (Plot hook: one of these organizations makes plans to cause an accident with, or funds a terrorist attack aboard, this vessel for its actions in defiance of their sovereignty).
- Errant Trader makes regular rounds through the Core Worlds and is known for it’s resort-like environment as well as expensive boutiques. (Plot hook: an excellent place for high-stakes heists or 007 style spy missions).
- Jungle Ghost takes the Corellian Run all the way out into Wild Space on either end of the trip, often returning with rare and exotic goods. (Plot hook: a perfect place for GMs to introduce unusual Star Wars encounters, far from known space).
Art via FFG Force and Destiny and WEG Graveyard of Alderaan.