Galaxy Guide – Smuggler’s Log: Boledge Downport (Part 1)

Artwork by Khairul Hisham

My first and favorite SWRPG book was West End Games’ Platt’s Starport Guide – A book full of gritty, fleshed-out destinations, background characters, and plot hooks in the Star Wars galaxy. In this series of articles, I will be continuing that book’s legacy, updated mechanically and visually to FFG’s Edge of the Empire RPG.


Boledge – a glacial world recovering from a long ice age.

Astronavigation Data: Boledge system, Chor sector, Inner Rim; Grid N-12

Orbital Metrics: 421 days per year / 30 hours per day

Government: local council under nominal Imperial governor

Population: 825,000 (37% Duros, 63% other)

Languages: Basic, Bocce, Durese

Terrain: glacial, mountainous, ocean

Major Cities: Boledge Downport

Areas of Interest: hydrothermal vents, volcanic lakes, The Grand Arch Casino

Major Exports: doonium ore (Illegal), foodstuffs, ships services, tourism

Major Imports: consumables, luxury goods, technology

Trade Routes: Alion Run, Exodeen Bypass

Special Conditions: extreme cold outside of volcanic lakes

Background: When the Boledge System was first mapped millennia ago by Duros explorers, they briefly noted a lack of easily exploitable resources and that the only planet in the star’s habitable zone had an inhospitable, nearly pole-to-pole glacial climate before moving on. The system was essentially forgotten about until the Exodeen system, a prominent port of call at the intersection of the Nanth’ri Route and Hydian Way began to charge exorbitant tariffs on all goods passing through their ports.

Sensing opportunity, Duros settlers from the nearby Atapap I System set out and began to colonize the world.   Several millennia had passed since the first survey, and there had been a surge in volcanic activity in the intervening years, warming the climate to bearable levels. Several initial outposts were built, but Boledge Downport quickly rose to prominence. With starport services established, the Boledge system bridged the gap between Antar and ecumenopolis, Denon.

The system remains lightly inhabited, and the initial surge of traffic has died down as trade along the Hydian Way stabilized over the decades. However, the port is still popular as many of the inhabitants learned to cultivate tourism on their world. Boledge is a nearly unspoiled world, which is increasingly less common in the years surrounding the Clone Wars and rise of the Empire.

Though still glacial nearly from pole-to-pole, the world is host to extensive oceans under the ice sheets. These oceans, fueled by massive volcanic hydrothermal vents, are host to a splendid array of exotic life. Volcanic lakes like the one encircled by Boledge Downport are havens for many of these incredible creatures.

Submersible watercraft offer daily tours of the undersea wonderland, while the port itself is host to incredible restaurants, clubs, and casinos. The slopes of the outer caldera are littered with various businesses catering to outdoor recreational activities. Additionally, some enterprising fishermen have begun to market the exotic sea life as a delicacy to restaurants throughout the galaxy.

Boledge Downport

Boledge Downport has had a resurgence as a tourist destination, as well as a smugglers port of call.

Built on the inner walls of a massive dormant volcanic caldera, Boledge Downport is equal parts starport and tourist destination. The port is also a popular stopover for smugglers due to its illicit doonium mines and the ease of moving credits and merchandise in the ports many clubs, cantinas, and casinos.


Boledge Downport was established alongside several other colonies just over 200 years ago. The Downport outlived and out-competed the others in short order, as its location on the inner walls of a volcanic caldera offered it several significant advantages. Though mostly dormant, the caldera is still host to numerous geothermal vents and hot springs, making the surrounding water and environment much more hospitable. Additionally, the same vents provide for nearly all the city’s power needs in the form of geothermal energy plants. Lastly, the outer walls of the caldera shield the port and its inhabitants from the worst of the planet’s storms and winds.

As trade along the Hydian Way stabilized over the decades, Boledge slowly transitioned from a major starport and service hub to a mainly tourism-based economy. The port was already heavily geared towards hospitality, so the infrastructure was already mostly there. As tourism picked up and money flowed into the system, the quality of the casinos and restaurants improved, though large sections of the port can still be traced to the ports utilitarian roots.

The more unseemly parts of the port cater to those that still use the Exodeen Bypass or traders on the Alion Run, as well as the smugglers and criminal elements that come along with them. Little effort has been made to clean up the shadier parts of town; the perceived danger is part of the draw for many tourists looking for a “frontier” adventure on an untamed and lawless world.

People and Culture

However, Boledge is hardly lawless – an elected council, consisting mainly of wealthy business owners governs the port with nominal Imperial supervision. The Empire maintains a small customs office full of lax officers that are happy to take your credits to look the other way. There is a small force of hired law enforcement officers, but they mainly patrol the more populated tourist areas and leave the actual port and its patrons well-enough alone (an arrangement which suits everyone involved). Private security is a booming industry in the starport, and many business owners and travelers have a guard or two in their employ.

In Part 2, we will explore the Downport’s key locations and personalities. Additionally, there will be a downloadable PDF, formatted in the style of FFG’s planetary entries in Dawn of Rebellion.

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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.