Galaxy Guide – Smuggler’s Log: Boledge Downport (Part 3)

Artwork by Khairul Hisham

My first and favorite SWRPG book was West End Games’ Platt’s Starport Guide – A book full of gritty, fleshed-out destinations, background characters, and plot hooks in the Star Wars galaxy. In this series of articles, I will be continuing that book’s legacy, updated mechanically and visually to FFG’s Edge of the Empire RPG.

In previous installments, we explored the planet Boledge, and its primary starport, as well as its key locations and personalities. You can find a fully-formatted PDF dossier on this world here. Today, we have a modular encounter/mini-adventure that gets your PCs involved in the unique world and its dangers and opportunities.

This adventure is designed to be a drop-in adventure seed and includes ideas for getting your party involved both in the adventure and the setpiece that is Boledge Downport. It is era-agnostic and should require virtually no modification, regardless of when your game is set (though the Downport supplement itself assumes standard Galactic Civil War timing). You should be able to run through the written material in one 6-hour or a pair of 4-hour sessions, depending on your group’s playstyle. However, there is plenty of opportunities to fluff the adventure out or streamline it, as well as suggestions on where to take the PCs upon its completion.

Mini-Adventure: Missing Shipment

Boledge Downport Adventure – Missing Shipment PDF

The crew has been contracted by a local crime boss, Etro Faar, to take a shipment of doonium to one of his distribution centers on Malastare. When they arrive, this blue milk run becomes a dangerous struggle for survival as Etro hires them to recover the shipment from one of his wayward mining outposts.

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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.