Galaxy Guide: Super Tactical Droid


The Super Tactical Droid was an upgraded version of the T-series tactical droid (Lead by Example, p. 45) designed by the Separatist military to serve as droid generals during the Clone Wars. These models lacked the grandstanding, arrogant personality defects that plagued the T-series and could function completely autonomously as military leaders, even against potent opponents like the Jedi Generals. Each unit was bespoke and incredibly expensive to produce, with distinct detailing and even proper names. This unorthodox practice of encouraging individuality was put into place by Separatist leaders primarily as a propaganda tool to create generals whose presence and accomplishments could strike fear into their enemies and inspire patriotism in their citizens.

Super Tactical Droid [Nemesis]

Brawn: 3 Agility: 1 Intellect: 4 Cunning: 3 Willpower: 3 Presence: 2

M/R Defense: 0/0
Soak Value: 6
Wound Threshold: 13
Strain Threshold: 16

Skills: Cool 3, Discipline 3, Knowledge (Warfare) 3, Leadership 3, Perception 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Vigilance 2

Talents: Adversary 1, Clever Commander (May use Knowledge [Warfare] to upgrade Mass Combat checks instead of Leadership), Know the Enemy (May use Knowledge [Warfare] when making checks to determine initiative), Ready for Anything 2 (remove up to 2 Setback dice when making Mass Combat checks and Cool or Vigilance checks to determine initiative).

Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Immune to poisons and toxins), CDE-ST Tactical Computer (ST-series tactical droids adds 2 Boost dice when making Leadership and Knowledge [Warfare] checks), Thorough Assessment (Once per session, may take a Thorough Assessment Action; make a difficult Knowledge check to gain Boost dice equal to successes that may be distributed throughout the encounter).

Equipment: Armored chassis (+2 Soak), encrypted comlink, E-5 blaster carbine (Ranged (Heavy); Damage 9; Critical 3; Range (Medium); Inaccurate, Stun-Setting).

Cost: Not available for sale (R)/9.

Where do they fit into your campaign?

  • Your PC’s could find the heavily damaged or powered down remains of a Super Tactical Droid while investigating an old Clone Wars battleground or scrapyard. The crashed Separatist frigate in Beyond the Rim would be a perfect place. A Hard Knowledge (Education) or Average Knowledge (Warfare) should be required to recognize the value of the droid.
  • These droids are incredibly valuable to PCs of any profession or allegiance:
    • Obviously Rebel PCs would love to have the skills and experience of one of these droids – but as we saw in Rebels, these droids would need some serious convincing to fight the Empire (an opposed Charm or Negotiation check, with several setback dice).
    • A group of criminals or smugglers could use the droid’s knowledge of Republic strategies and procedures to help them evade the Empire, which has not significantly changed its military doctrine.
    • Mercenary PCs could make use of one of these models to serve as military advisors.
  • Perhaps one of these droids has adapted its programming to serve itself in the galactic underworld, building a criminal empire through a series of brutally efficient hostile takeovers. PCs could serve this droid kingpin or be its next targets.
  • If polished up, they could be worth quite a bit of currency on the black market for the above reasons – though the droid may have strong feelings about being bought and sold by organics and conspire to escape or kill the PCs.
  • I encourage you to add quirks or defects to any droid recovered – they will have gone decades without memory wipes or maintenance, and could have easily sustained heavy damage. For example:
    • The droid is only a torso (or head!) and constantly complains about its state, but also threatens to destroy the PC’s when it is restored to full functionality.
    • The droid goes on at length about past battles and connects everything back to the Clone Wars. It repeats the same war stories CONSTANTLY.
    • Anytime the droid rolls a Despair or three Threats, it suffers from flashbacks; even going so far as to give orders to droids that it no longer serves or issues strategies suited for a battle fought years ago, to the detriment of the current conflict.
    • The damaged droid hasn’t realized that the Republic fell and was replaced by the Empire, so it will help the PCs as long as they carefully hide these events from it.
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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.