Galaxy Guide: SWSE Dark Forces Campaign Guide


This is something I put together years ago as a way to teach myself Adobe InDesign. The fact that I was working on Star Wars RPG content made it feel less like work and more like fun. I never really released this to the public during the height of the Saga Edition’s run – It seemed more graphic design practice than fan supplement at the time, I suppose. After going through my old files, I figured I would finally put it out there, even if the Saga crowd is smaller than it once was. The Dark Forces series is among my favorite Star Wars content ever made, and this project was my tribute to it. 

Dark Forces Campaign Guide

The sourcebook itself features all the trappings of a SE Campaign Guide: new species, feats, talent trees, equipment, vehicles, iconic characters and adversaries, plot hooks, and even planetary gazetteers. I may eventually convert some of this into the FFG system, which I admittedly prefer. Hope you all enjoy it!

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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.