Gamer Nation Holiday Buying Guide

“Black Friday”…sounds like it should be scary. And in many ways it is. That’s why I spend the day far, far away from any store.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t start planning our holiday shopping. That’s why today, Gamer Nation is presenting to you our Holiday Buying Guide. Below you’ll find all of the games we’ve reviewed this year categorized so you can find exactly what you need to give a stellar gaming present. You’ll also find special recommendations from the d20 Radio writing staff. Sit, back and relax, Gamer Nation as your shopping list is done!

Gamer Nation Recommendations

Kevin Frane 

Temple of Elemental Evil board game from Wizards of the Coast. For someone who’s into both tabletop RPGs and board games alike, this is a great cross between the two, and it offers a legitimate challenge to boot!

Robot Turtles is a great and subtly educational game for young kids. It’s so hard to find a game for 4 year olds and up!
Machi Koro. Beautiful artwork. Great mechanics and fairly quick play time.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault is a great intro to RPGs with the option to play player vs. player or cooperative. It comes with many cool miniatures and the options to buy minis of your favorite Star Wars characters!
Junta – The hilariously accurate banana republic simulator: with both a satirical political phase AND map and counter coup d’etat phase, it’s like Diplomacy except you will keep your friends.
Space Hulk: Death Angel – Possibly superior to the board game, this card game lets 1-6 players command unique Space Marine Terminators in their battle against a Genestealer-infested Space Hulk. It’s got order of march military multiplayer madness!
Pandemic: On the Brink – If you like Pandemic this is a great expansion to the core game. Not only does it expand the number of players to five but it also adds a lot of fun new roles and three different play modes. In addition, it comes with nice petri dish trays for storing your viruses in. 
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd ed.: A classic superhero RPG for over 10 years. It’s a d20 (OGL) system where checks, even combat–are resolved with only 1 or 2 rolls of a single die. And the new Emerald City campaign setting is fantastic.
Sentinels of the Multiverse is my game recommendation. There are few games that I have played that so seamlessly meld game flavor with game mechanics as this game does. That it is not only cooperative, but also easily handles anywhere from 2 to 5 players is just gravy on top at that point
And now for the games we’ve reviewed and talked about this year on the Gamer Nation blog:

Cooperative Games

Competitive Games

Two Player Games

Games for Kids

Roleplaying Games

Miniatures Games

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.