When I found out that Mike Lafferty of Fainting Goat Games had a new project coming to Kickstarter, Goatlands Adventures Omnibus, I wanted to share as much as I could about it. In addition to Fainting Goats Games, Mike does the BAMF Podcast which led to the BAMFSIES, an award for the best superhero games. I’ve talked about the BAMFSIES while reviewing the 2018 winner, CAPERS. Since Mike has created so much promotion for RPGs, I wanted to give back and make sure his work got the attention it deserves.
With the Goatlands Adventures Omnibus, it deserves attention as Mike has assembled a great team. With a cover by Storn Cook, the adventures are written by Jim Seals, Ade Smith and Jason Tondro. In addition to author of two of the four adventures, Jason serves as the line manager for the project. Jason agreed to talk with me about what he’s doing on the project as well some of the extras fans can expect if they back this adventure omnibus.
EGG EMBRY (EGG): Thanks for talking with me about your project. You’re the line manager for a new project on Kickstarter, what is Goatlands Adventures Omnibus?
JASON TONDRO (JASON): Goatlands Adventures Omnibus is a collection of four stand-alone 5e adventures set in the Goatlands, Fainting Goat Games’ fantasy setting. The adventures in this book lead characters from 1st to 5th level.
EGG: You mention the Goatlands. What can you share about where these adventures are set?
JASON: The Goatlands is a classic 5e setting in which all classes, species, and character options in the game are valid. These adventures are all set in a part of the Goatlands known as the Kingdom of Panalane, which once was a high kingdom that stretched from ocean to ocean, but has fallen over time to a shadow of its former self. Panalane’s former colonies and provinces are now independent nations and rivals. Goatlands Adventures Omnibus includes a map and gazetteer of the Kingdom of Panalane.
EGG: So you get everything you’d need to set these adventures in their intended location, that’s cool. You mention that these are for levels 1 to 5. What can you share about these four adventures and what level each one is for?
JASON: The first adventure, “Spiders in the Storm” is a one-session adventure for 1st level characters that takes them to 2nd level. In it, the heroes are tasked with rescuing citizens of the unusual settlement of Archway who have been abducted by giant spiders… and their mysterious master.
The second adventure, “Death in Greenshade” is a one-session adventure for 2nd level characters that takes them to 3rd level. In this adventure, the heroes learn of a mystery that haunts the town of Greenshade, resulting in a series of deadly murders.
“Mutiny at Blooming Court” is an adventure for 3rd level characters, in which they explore flooded gardens that have been taken over by pirates and their necromancer rival with a pirate ship of his own.
“The Fearfield War” is a longer adventure for characters of level 3-5. In it, the heroes are drawn into a war between two rival lords which has grown out of hand thanks to the presence of Sacco’s Scapegoats, a band of bloodthirsty and greedy goatfolk mercenaries. This is a sandbox adventures with a hex map depicting the area, leaving the players to navigate the factions involved in the war and hopefully resolve the crisis before impetuous nobles take matters out of their hands.
EGG: That’s a nice variety of adventures. What kinds of extras (religion, magic items, monsters, etc.) come in this adventure?
JASON: This book includes a gazetteer of the Kingdom of Panalane, information on the gods of the setting, a new cleric domain, many new monsters like the phantom druid, raven witches, salt-breathing dragons, the tobihaze (a froglike amphibian with a prehensile water tongue that swallows its prey whole), and goatfolk—a playable species whose origin is rooted in chaos. We have rules for urban elves and a complete set of matching magic items, the Regalia of the Duck Knight.
EGG: That’s a lot of extra for the players. Since you’re line manager and writing for this project, can you share a bit about your resume as well as the other creators?
JASON: I’m Jason Tondro and I wrote “Spiders in the Storm” and “The Fearfield War.” I’m a Senior Developer at Paizo working on both the Pathfinder and Starfinder RPGs. I’m the author of three Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes and three Starfinder Adventure Path volumes, I was lead developer on the Fly Free or Die Adventure Path for Starfinder and the upcoming Drift Crash AP, and I’ve contributed to many books in the Pathfinder and Starfinder line.
Ade Smith wrote “Death in Greenshade” and illustrated much of the book. A talented comic artist, he’s contributed to Star Trek Adventures and the Mutants and Masterminds RPG, among other games.
Jim Seals wrote “Mutiny in Blooming Court.” Jim contributed new aliens and creatures to every volume of the Horizons of the Vast Adventure Path, and is working on future projects for the Starfinder Infinite line.
Goatlands Adventures Omnibus from Fainting Goat Games
Launching on Halloween
“A 5e Adventure Omnibus in the Goatlands Setting for Characters Levels 1st to 5th.”
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