Gavriel Quiroga, creator of WARPLAND and NEUROCITY, has a new tabletop rolplaying game and artbook coming to Kickstarter, HELL NIGHT. After Ben Erickson reviewed WARPLAND on d20 Radio (here), I was intrigued to learn more about Gavriel’s next project. With the project soon to launch, I spoke with Gavriel about the concept behind the RPG, the engine, and more. He was kind enough to reply with what inspired HELL NIGHT and what fans can expect from the book.
EGG EMBRY (EGG): Thanks for talking with me. Doom bikers. Those words could mean a lot of things to different players. For HELL NIGHT, what are doom bikers?
GAVRIEL QUIROGA (GAVRIEL): Doom biker is an appropriate made up genre for what HELL NIGHT is about. Players will interpret demonic bikers hunting other fugitive demons on ‘80s Earth. The idea came up a year ago when watching the movie Mandy from Panos Cosmatos. I thought it would be so cool to play The Black Skulls in that ‘80s aesthetic. It all came together after reading Hell’s Angels from Hunter S. Thompson, that gave me the ideological support so to speak.
EGG: That’s an interesting premise. Since you’re playing demonic bikers hunting other demonic bikers, what motivates them to fight?
GAVRIEL: Lucifer is missing and Hell is facing revolt. The realm is breaking apart and many powerful archdemons are escaping their duties in the different infernal regions and fleeing to ’80s Earth. Players will be part of the Hierarchy of Archdemons which is striving to maintain order and prevent sedition while they seek Lucifer. Furthermore, the Celestials have issued a warning that if Hell is not put in order and the fugitive demons are not destroyed or taken back to their duties they will storm the gates with their heavenly army.
EGG: What kinds of classes and powers will your bikers have?
GAVRIEL: There will be five available character classes with plenty of customizations, dark powers, and quirks. The Slayers which will be ancient savage barbarian demons whose appearance will be monstrous. Reapers which will be former mortal warlocks now serving Hell. Revenants which are mortals which are given another chance in life in exchange for a service while being watched by a mascot guardian (think The Crow). Fallen which are angels that have lost their grace and are roaming Earth seeking for a way back, and Usurpers which are demons who possess sinners on Earth and use them as vessels. Besides a wide array of powers for each class there will be Hellrides, which are infernal biomechanical bikes with their own powers and personality quirks.
EGG: What role will non-demonic bikers play in this world?
GAVRIEL: None. haha
EGG: That answer tells me a lot about how this world works. I dig it. What system will this RPG use?
GAVRIEL: Same system as with my previous works. I call it F.F.F (Fast, Flexible, Fun) and it is presented as an optional Grab & Play system. It is a 2d6 roll under the stat that allows for complications with success or failure, only players rolls. It is a system that is very good for online play and allows the focus to be on roleplaying, particularly with low prep and a sandbox approach.
EGG: The setting for your works (WARPLAND, NEUROCITY) tend to be edge-of-your-seat fantasy fiction. Is that the case with HELL NIGHT? What draws you to that type of world?
I am a geek in every sense and I consume most forms of art extensively. If I create a setting it is only because I have found something that can stand on its own and remain fresh while still being relatable. First and most, I assume that if something is cool and interesting for me it must be for somebody else.
EGG: That’s fair about NEUROCITY. I get where you’re coming from on that. To be clear, is this an artbook or an RPG or both?
GAVRIEL: It is a ruleartbook, cool enough to show to your girl/boyfriend and still feel awesome.
EGG: You’re doing all of this from your vision for the setting, the art, and the writing, correct?
GAVRIEL: I do the writing and the creative direction of my works. Mr. Walton Wood, who runs the Liber Ludorum blog, is my editor and proofreader. I have a small group of stable playtesters and confidants. I hire a team of artists for each book, talented people with a specific personality that enhances the concept I am aiming for.
EGG: In the ad copy for this campaign, you mention that this is “inspired by badass metal covers.” Are there specific metal covers you’re thinking of?
GAVRIEL: Sleep, Acid King, and Electric Wizard have everything we are aiming at.
EGG: The artwork you’ve shared here, the “poster” images, they’re all outstanding. Who created these pieces?
GAVRIEL: Three different artists! Argentinian illustrator Walter Avellaneda, Polish designer hellish maggot and Indonesian designer mysterious four. Laurie Gius did some polishing, as well. This project is a global effort. haha
EGG: How many pages will this be? How much of it is art?
GAVRIEL: 66 pages. Each of them flooded with kick-ass art. But don’t be fooled, the lore of the setting will also stand out as quite memorable. The writing will feature black comedy and lots of grindhouse violence.
EGG: Beyond HELL NIGHT, what else are you working on?
GAVRIEL: I am working on a few games based around a GMless system I developed that is a blast to play. I am also writing supplements and updates for NEUROCITY and WARPLAND.
EGG: Thanks for talking to me about this project. Where can fans learn more about it?
GAVRIEL: I post updates and references at the NEUROCITY and WARPLAND Facebook group. There is also my website and you can join the prelaunch of HELL NIGHT´s Kickstarter campaign and own an exclusive edition of the book.
Thank you, Egg, for the help and interest!
HELL NIGHT from Gavriel Quiroga
“A doom biker RPG artbook inspired by badass metal covers and the spirit of a strange decade. A brutal ride beyond the edge of darkness.”
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