HoloNet Uplink – Attendant Navigators (Retinue of Snoke I)

Copyright LucasFilm.

Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.

*Note: While spoiler free, this post deals with characters featured in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.*

Welcome to Part One of a two part mini-series covering the Retinue of Snoke.  Next time, I will provide stats and a write up for the Supreme Leader’s new praetorian guard. Today’s post covers the mysterious purple robed attendants to Snoke. Shown for the briefest of moments in Snoke’s throne room, as seen in the trailer and film The Last Jedi, little is known about these enigmatic figures. Beyond a few short notes in the Visual Dictionary, enterprising game masters and fan-statters are largely left to their own intuition and creativity here.

In my home group, some of us refer to the Visual Dictionary and other works by famous Winnipegger turned Star Wars bigwig Pablo Hidalgo as “Pablo’s Running Repairs.” For the most die hard fans, the invalidation of previous lore conventions can be grating, and the minimal background information for onscreen elements can leave some wanting. The Visual Dictionary serves to shore up some of those concerns, and throw those fans a bone. In this case, one friend particularly liked the tease of answers to the origins of the First Order implied by these navigators and their potential relationship to Snoke. Without further blathering, here is a write up for this first entry in the Retinue of Snoke.

Attendant Navigators [Rival]

Copyright LucasFilm.

Clad in purple robes intentionally designed to mimic Emperor Palpatine’s advisors, these mute alien advisors are an enigmatic part of Supreme Leader Snoke’s personal retinue. Only two facts about these attendants are common knowledge: that they are master navigators capable of superior astrogation to all but the most powerful computers and that they designed and operate the Supreme Leader’s oculus viewing scope. Rarely seen and never interacted with, First Order personnel give these navigators a wide berth lest they transgress against favored servants of Snoke.

Rumours about these mysterious aliens are commonplace in the ranks of the First Order. Some speculate, somewhat reasonably, that it was the ancient hyperspace routes known to these beings which allowed Imperial forces to escape into the Unknown Regions decades ago. Other more fanciful tales abound, such as postulation the navigators hail from a nearly extinct ancient race, allegations these beings come from an entire civilization living in the depths of hyperspace, and even speculation that they exist interdimensionally and thus can communicate only with Snoke. While such outlandish ideas are almost certainly just the barracks room talk of young soldiers, even senior officers know next to nothing about these navigators and their pact with the Supreme Leader.


Br 2, Ag 2, Int 5, Cun 3, WP 2, Pres 1

Soak 3, W. Threshold 14, Def M/R 1/1

Skills: Astrogation 5, Computers 3, Mechanics 3, Knowledge (Lore) 2, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 4,

Talents: Galaxy Mapper 4 (Remove 4 Setback from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take half normal time), Master Starhopper (Once per round, suffer 2 wounds to decrease the difficulty of next Astrogation check by 1 to a minimum of 1 Purple)

Abilities: Poor Eyesight (Suffer 1 Setback on all checks related to eyesight), Multidimensional Cognition (Can make Astrogation checks without the use of a navicomputer or astromech droid at no penalty).

Equipment: Voluminous robes (soak 1, checks to visually identify the attendant navigator suffer 2 Seback), amplification lenses (when worn, negates the penalty from Poor Eyesight).

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Christopher Hunt

Staff Writer at d20 Radio
Christopher Hunt is a long-time gamer and has recently broke into the world of RPG freelancing. Chris’ unofficial Star Wars RPG blog ran weekly on d20radio.com for the past three years. He has written for Rusted Iron Games, Raging Swan Press, and most recently Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG. Chris is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science. Always the gamer, his thesis, which explores conflict short of war by uniting current threats to historical events, was inspired by a historical board game.