One of Edge of the Empire’s most iconic play experiences is that of the bounty hunter. While some Imperial officers may think they don’t need those scum, the truth is the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations (IOCI) relies on bounty hunters to bring in the most elusive fugitives. This is an article in a series of premade bounty contracts which can be dropped directly into your game or can serve as a starting point for more deliberate bounty hunting adventures.
Using This Entry
This entry consists of the following elements: a text bounty posting which can be provided to your players, character statistics and behaviour for Finnegus Rai-Marr, and leads for gathering more information. GMs can use what is provided along with some improvisation to provide an instant bounty hunting session, or they can treat the content as a shell to be expanded into a multi-session adventure.
IOCI Posting
Name: Finnegus Rai-Marr
Aliases: “The Rifleman”
Age: 46 standard years
Species: Human
Hair: Black, greying
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Light
Homeworld: Dantooine
Location: Unknown, last seen on Saleucami
Warnings: Armed and Dangerous
Bounty: 37,500 Credits
Posting Office: IOCI
Offense: Murder (contract killings)
Return Type: Dead or Alive
Jurisdiction: Outer Rim Territories
Remarks: Return Alive Bonus – 5,000 credits; linked to the murder of Zeehalis, a Gran suspected of Tenloss connections on Saleucami
Statistics and Tactics
Finnegus Rai-marr, Hitman [Nemesis]
Finnegus Rai-Marr, also known as “The Rifleman,” is known throughout the Outer Rim as a hitman who gets the job done quick and reliably. A Clone Wars veteran of the 1st Volunteers Regiment, Rai-Marr applied his skills as a rancher and marksman as a Republic sniper. While the 1st Volunteers were not a clone unit military, discipline was still expected and after running afoul of the military justice system one too many times Rai-Marr deserted to market his skills as a freelance hitman. He prefers to stealthily take up a position and eliminate his targets from afar, and will attempt to escape and evade detection by police or bounty hunters rather than fight. However, Rai-Marr is a hardened killer and if given the chance will take shots of opportunity as he moves, ideally seriously injuring one of his pursuer’s teammates to slow them down.
Br 3, Ag 4, Int 2, Cun 4, WP 2, Pres 2
Soak 4, W. Threshold 18, S. Threshold 16, M/R Def 1/1
Skills: Brawl 1, Cool 2, Deception 1, Knowledge (Underworld) 1, Perception 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Skullduggery 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2, Survival 2, Vigilance 2
Talents: Adversary 2, Lethal Blows 2 (add +20 to Critical Injury rules inflicted on opponents), Soft Spot (after making a successful attack with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to Cunning to one hit of this attack), Stalker 2 (add 2 Boost die to all Coordination and Stealth checks)
Abilities: Multiple Combat Turns (one additional turn at the end of the round) if 4 or more PCs
Equipment: E11 sniper rifle with Enhanced XCiter (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10, Critical 2; Range [Extreme]; Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 5, Slow Firing 1, Special [on Two Despair the blaster explodes, destroying it and inflicting a Critical Injury on the wielder]), heavy blaster pistol with under-barrel grapnel launcher (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting, see pg. 56 of Special Modifications for grapnel rules), load bearing equipment, armored clothing, bug-out bag
A Dead Gran Tells a Tale – Zeehalis, Tenloss Agent
Recently deceased, it was an open secret in Saleucami’s underworld that the Gran known as Zeehalis was a local agent for the Tenloss Syndicate. Zeehalis was killed in his Taleucami city apartment by a high output sniper blaster, a clear victim of assassination. A quick and sloppy investigation was conducted by local authorities that concluded the victim could’ve been killed over any number of criminal deals. Conducting their own investigation, the PCs can discover several important facts from Zeehalis’s murder.
Firstly, a Hard (3 Purple) Streetwise check to gather information from the local population reveals that Zeehalis was responsible for arranging the sale of Tenloss manufactured weapons to criminal groups and that a human male matching Finnegus Rai-Marr’s description was seen in Taleucami prior to the murder. Advantage on the Streetwise check can be used to learn that Zeehalis had met with Black Sun affiliates in the last few months, and additionally that the Zann Consortium was interested in those meetings.
GMs may use their discretion on how difficult it should be for PCs to gain access to Zeehalis’ apartment, but Average (2 Purple) Mechanics, Skullduggery, or Computers checks for mechanical entry would be appropriate as would Hard (3 Purple) checks to social engineer access out of the landlord or to bribe local law enforcement. Once inside, an Average (2 Purple) Perception check confirms Zeehalis was killed by a sniper blaster and further reveals from scorch marks on the wall that a significant over-penetration occurred as a result of Rai-Marr’s specially modified sniper blaster. The PCs will also find information relevant to Zeehalis’ Tenloss activities, including mention of a contact on Jomark in the Jospro Sector. Advantage on the Perception check, or further investigation with relevant skills such as Computers or Underworld, reveal the details of his contact on Jomark: Ridge Colai.
Cashing in on Payback – Ridge Colai, Tenloss Smuggler
Ridge Colai, a portly human male, operates a regional smuggling operation for Tenloss weapons out of his Jomark fish export business. He is wary of the PCs snooping around his operation, but at the mention of Zeehalis is eager to find out more. Colai is willing to help the PCs take down Rai-Marr, providing information through the Tenloss Syndicate or even setting up a dummy job to lure in the hitman, but will only provide such assistance if the PCs promise to kill Rai-Marr. Colai wants to send the message that Tenloss should not be messed with. PCs may be able to persuade Colai otherwise, but should they agree to the terms and later turn in Rai-Marr alive to the IOCI then the players will collectively gain 10 Obligation (Betrayal – Tenloss Syndicate).
Use Smuggler statistics (EotE pg. 396) to represent Ridge Colai, adding 2 ranks in Negotiation.