One of Edge of the Empire’s most iconic play experiences is that of the bounty hunter. While some Imperial officers may think they don’t need those scum, the truth is the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations (IOCI) relies on bounty hunters to bring in the most elusive fugitives. This is an article in a series of premade bounty contracts which can be dropped directly into your game or can serve as a starting point for more deliberate bounty hunting adventures.
I’m glad to return to my occasional sub-series, Bounty Contract, with another entry today. With the release of No Disintegrations we now have guidance on bounty hunting in Edge of the Empire. This article was written from the perspective of previous entries in the series, most notably offering a higher payout than what the charts in No Disintegrations provide. After I take some time to fully digest those rules, future Bounty Contracts will conform to the official guidance.
Using This Entry
This entry consists of the following elements: a text bounty posting which can be provided to your players, character statistics and behaviour for Ral Zeklyk, and brief outline for an adventure. GMs can use what is provided along with some improvisation to provide an instant bounty hunting session, or they can treat the content as a shell to be expanded into a multi-session adventure.
IOCI Posting
Name: Ral Zeklyk
Aliases: “Thin-ICE”
Age: 27 standard years
Species: Pantoran
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold
Skin: Blue
Homeworld: Pantora
Location: Unknown, last seen on Takodana
Warnings: Armed and Dangerous
Bounty: 19,500 Credits
Posting Office: IOCI
Offense: Espionage, Unlawful Use of Imperial Networks
Return Type: Alive
Jurisdiction: Mid Rim, Outer Rim Territories
Remarks: Bonus: Return of Slicer Computer – 7,500 Cr
Statistics and Tactics
Ral Zeklyk, Grey Hat Slicer [Nemesis]

More commonly known by the slicer moniker “Thin-ICE,” this Pantoran computer expert offers his services as a freelancer to the ultra rich. Equally adept at attacking or defending computer networks, his former customers include the Galactic Republic, the Hutts, prominent noble houses, the Corporate Sector Authority, and the Rebel Alliance. Generally working remotely and through a series of tracer countermeasures, Zeklyk bills himself as a Grey Hat Slicer, willing to put his skills to lawful or unlawful use depending on the price. He avoids the risk of in-person meetings, preferring to isolate himself at secure work stations in undisclosed locales. However, it was only a matter of time until Zeklyk ran afoul of one too many sentients. Narrowly escaping a hit on Cerea, Zeklyk is on the run looking for a new hideout. He is significantly out of practice on physical espionage trade craft after years of relying on cyber security, making now the ideal time for hunters looking to cash in on the official IOCI bounty.
Br 2, Ag 3, Int 4, Cun 3, WP 3, Pres 2
Soak 3, W. Threshold 14, S. Threshold 17, M/R Def 0/0
Skills: Computers 3, Cool 2, Deception 2, Knowledge (Education) 3, Mechanics 2, Ranged (Light) 1, Skullduggery 2
Talents: Adversary 1, Bypass Security 2 (remove Setback per rank of Bypass Security from checks made to disable a security device or open a locked door), Codebreaker 3 (remove Setback per rank in Codebreaker from checks to break codes or decrypt communications. Decrease difficulty of checks to break codes or decrypt communications by 1.), Defensive Slicing 2 (when defending computer systems, add Setback per rank of Defensive Slicing to opponents’ checks.), Improved Defensive Slicing (Defensive Slicing now upgrades opponents; difficulty once per rank of Defensive Slicing; this replaces the usual benefits.), Master Slicer (Once per round, may take a Master Slicer incidental to suffer 2 strain and decrease difficulty of Computers or other slicing checks by 1, minimum 1 Purple).
Abilities: HoloNet Ghost (Upgrade the difficulty of any attempt to locate Ral Zeklyk through electronic means or by checking records once).
Equipment: Rugged clothing (+1 soak), heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), personal slicing computer (counts as both an Outlaw Data Breaker [add 2 Boost dice to slicing] and a Signature Modulation Pad [Add 2 Setback to checks attempting to acquire the user’s slicing signature]).
Adventure Outline
Takodana Nights
For a thousand years, Maz’s Castle has served as a watering hole and safe refuge for smugglers, runaways, and wanderers. All are welcome so long as they follow the rules, with no violence of any sort being permitted. It is even said those wanted for bounties can take safe refuge for one night at the castle, free of charge. Afterwards, however, an exorbitant fee is required to retain sanctuary. The ancient Assassin Droid designated ME-8D9, also known as “Emmie,” serves as guardian to the castle and peacekeeper among the patrons.
According to the IOCI posting, Ral Zeklyk was last seen here. Because of the strict rules against violence, the PCs must tread carefully and will almost certainly have to rely upon non-violent investigation means such as social interaction checks. Charm, Deception, and Negotiation in particular will likely be called for depending on how the PCs choose to approach the investigation. Use a “best fit” approach for NPCs, or determine relevant characteristic and skill ranks on the fly. Refer to EotE pgs. 391-396 for a variety of underworld NPCs, any of which could be present at Maz’s Castle. The PCs will eventually learn that Ral Zeklyk, after eluding capture by local enforcers on Cerea, took refuge at the castle.
Should the PCs be discovered breaking Maz’s rules then they will suffer the wrath of ME-8D9. Much like other canon characters, it is recommended no stats be used for ME-8D9. “Emmie” has dealt with rule-breaking bounty hunters for hundreds of years, and thus should be entirely capable of subduing or ejecting the PCs without difficulty.
Traced to Bakura
On the human dominated world of Bakura, the PC’s quarry stands out like a blue thumb. Through routine questioning the PCs trace Ral Zeklyk to a fully automated repulsor plant on the outskirts of Salis D’aar, capital city of Bakura. It is here where he has his hideout protected by layers of traps and subverted security droids. Use Antiquated Battle Droid (EotE pg. 41o) and Security Droid (EotE pg. 412) statistics as required to represent these droids. If a PC Slicer fancies a chance at disabling Zeklyk’s defenses, then consider using the guidance for Slicing Encounters provided in Special Modifications pg. 86-90.
Zeklyk has constructed and modified a series of traps out of spare parts and abandoned prototypes. Combine these traps will roving patrols of security droids in as harsh a manner as you feel appropriate:
- Reverse Repulsor: as per Fly Casual pg. 84. This trap immobilizes its victim with a localized field of high gravity. Escaping Zeklyk’s version requires a Daunting (4 Purple) Athletics Check with its difficulty upgraded once. Disabling the trap requires a Hard (3 Purple) Mechanics or Computers Check, with the Computers check difficulty upgraded once.
- Repulsor Push: This trap is designed to fling victims into solid surfaces, off of heights, or into hazardous machinery. Characters subjected to this trap must make an Average (2 Purple) Resilience Check or be flung. Effects may include damage as per environmental hazards, falling damage, or simply 10 points of damage for high velocity impacts against walls or machinery. Further, Threat may be spent on a one for one basis to deal Strain. Disabling this trap has the same difficulty as the Reverse Repulsor listed above.