One of Edge of the Empire’s most iconic play experiences is that of the bounty hunter. In their ruthless crusade to purge disorder from the galaxy, the First Order will use any weapon in their arsenal to wipe the galaxy clean. This is an article in a series of premade bounty contracts which can be dropped directly into your game or can serve as a starting point for more deliberate bounty hunting adventures.
This week, I return not only to the slow churn of The Last Jedi inspired content, but also to a running sub-series with a Bounty Contract set in the Sequel Era. Today I have for you a bounty posting straight from the freedom-hating First Order. The players must travel to the casino city of Canto Bight to catch a Resistance agent critical to the supply of that ragtag band. True to the Bounty Hunter’s source book name, the First Order wants him alive.
Name: Uknown.
Aliases: Zalphos Nirian, “Mr. Smooth.”
Age: 45 standard years (approximately).
Species: Human.
Hair: Black and greying.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin: Fair.
Homeworld: Unknown.
Location: Unknown, target frequents Canto Bight regularly.
Warnings: Armed and may be dangerous.
Bounty: 17,500 Credits.
Rationale: Target is a key player in supplying the Resistance terror group with weapons, ammunition, and equipment.
Return Type: Alive – Target will be interrogated to expose the Resistance network.
Remarks: The First Order recently destroyed a Resistance fighter base in the Outer Rim, it is highly likely the purchaser will move to acquire replacement weapons and repair parts in the near future.
GM Section
Nik Kormir, Resistance Purchaser [Rival]
Well dressed, confident, salt and pepper hair. This human male, called Mr. Smooth by his admirers in the casino, carries himself as a successful gambler. Turning a few heads, he is nothing special compared to the true high rollers of Canto Bight. Just respected enough to look as if he belongs, Nik Kormir subtly moves among the scores of weapons manufacturers and arms brokers living the high life. Kormir relies on hiding in plain site to evade the notice of the First Order, purchasing quietly and arranging all deliveries to be off world. If discovered, his primary goal will be escape and evade. He will fight to break contact, but doesn’t finish off downed enemies, instead using his energy to flee. Kormir fears most capture and slow interrogation by the First Order, and will do anything possible to avoid that fate.
Br 2, Ag 3, Int 2, Cun 3, WP 3, Pres 3
Soak 3, W. Threshold 16, M/R Defense 1/1
Skills: Deception 2, Discipline 2, Negotiation 3, Perception 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 2
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once), Convincing Demeanor 2 (remove 2 Setback from Deception or Skulduggery checks), Natural Negotiator (once per session, may re-roll any 1 Cool or Negotiation check).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Holdout blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Stun Setting), molecular stilleto (Melee; Damage 2; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2), covertly armored dinner jacket (+1 soak, +1 defense), encrypted datapad with financial data and weapons procurement lists, encrypted long range comlink.
The Leads
The Seller – Zena Limiak, Arms Dealer
A beautiful human woman of advancing age, Zena Limiak’s elegant manner and expensive tastes fit right into the opulence of Canto Bight. Zena is a small fish on Canto Bight, but has carved a niche out for herself in providing last-generation equipment at an affordable price. A Hard (3 Purple) Knowledge (Warfare) or Average (2 Purple) Streetwise check allows the players to learn Zena specializes in old New Republic hardware, ostensibly supplying poorer planetary defense forces equipped with aging Rebel Alliance weapons platforms – and exactly what the Resistance needs to resupply their forces.
The players can easily find Zena at one of the many high end casinos, hobnobbing with potential clients and suppliers. Her gregarious nature and flashy clothing make the arms dealer easy to spot; generally no check is required assuming the players are specifically looking for her. Through Charm or Deception, the players can trick Zena into inadvertently all but confirming she supplies the resistance through a “Zalphos Nirian.” If the players covertly follow her movements, she makes contact with their bounty target in the next few days, providing an opportunity to catch the Resistance purchaser. Players could use Coercion or Negotiation to get Zena to specifically arrange a meeting with the purchaser, but due to the danger to her business and personal safety this will incur 2 Setback dice. Threatening her with First Order retribution adds a Boost to either Coercion or Negotiation.
Use the Arms Dealer statistics provided in EotE pg. 391-392 to represent Zena Limiak.
The Crooked Cop – Sergeant Tennyk Vall
Emblematic of the Canto Bight Police Force, Sergeant Tennyk Vall is a spit and polish professional on the outside and an opportunistic thug on the inside. The players first encounter the well groomed, middle aged human as they arrive at Canto Bight. He is backed up by a few constables, except when sealing the deal on a bribe or other illicit activity. This crooked cop sizes up the player characters and tries to shake them down for some extra credits, citing landing fees, weapon licenses, visitor’s visas, and the like to make a quick buck.
Some players may surmise their target may be providing kickbacks to a cop like Vall, or at the least Vall could watch for their target entering the city. The sergeant does know of their target, and is being paid to cover his movements on and off world, keeping no electronic records of his arrivals and departures. As Vall is motivated solely by money, convincing player characters could either outbid their target, paying around 5,000 Credits modified by the results of a Negotiation Check. Another approach may be to persuade (or coerce) the sergeant to stop covering for the purchaser out of fear of angering the First Order. He may be convinced to covertly report the purchaser’s movements on Canto Bight to the players, but, barring extreme Success or a Triumph on an appropriate check, Sergeant Vall won’t arrest or otherwise incapacitate their target. A hefty bribe, no less than 750 credits, provides an upgrade to Charm checks to influence Sergeant Vall.
Use the stats for Canto Bight Police Sergeant stats posted below to represent Tennyk Vall. He may be accompanied by up to four police minions depending on circumstances outlined above.
Canto Bight Police Sergeant [Rival]
Immaculately dressed and well spoken, the sergeants of Canto Bight’s police force represent the highly shone image Cantonica presents to the galaxy. Underneath this veneer, these non-commissioned officers understand the only true law on world is keep the wealthy clientele happy and their credits flowing. Police officers with strong records, despite a few ethics breaches, form a major recruiting pool for CBPD leadership. Many of these sergeants run their own side racket, skimming a few credits here and there. This is all but actively encouraged by higher ups, as most of these side deals depend on the continual success of Canto Bight’s luxury services. These officers do keep the peace, but will look the other way if the price is right.
Br 3, Ag 3, Int 2, Cun 3, Will 2, Pres 2
Soak 4, W. Threshold 15, Def M/R 1/1
Skills: Charm 1, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Deception 2, Melee 2, Negotiation 2, Perception 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2.
Talents: Nobody’s Fool 2 (When targeted by a Coercion or Deception check, upgrade the difficulty by 2)
Abilities: Bribable (Skill Checks to bribe or otherwise take advantage of police corruption gain 1 Automatic Advantage), Tactical Direction (may perform a maneuver to direct one Canto Bight Police minion group within medium range; the group may perform an immediate free maneuver or add 1 boost to its next check).
Equipment: Relby K-25 blaster in heavy configuration (Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Accurate 1, Stun setting), electro-shock prod (Melee; Damage 6; Critical 3; Engaged; Disorient 2, Stun Damage), armored uniform (+1 soak, +1 defense), multispectrum police glow rod, encrypted long range comlink